Dr. Pierre Kory - I found these myths about vaccines that were taught in medical school

7 hours ago

SEE ALSO: Dr. Pierre Kory Explains COVID-19 Vaccine Shedding https://rumble.com/v4d07ef-dr.-pierre-kory-explains-covid-19-vaccine-shedding.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

Dr. Pierre Kory But then I started to read books on the history of vaccines, and I found that these myths that were taught in medical school, that they're myths. They're not evidence based. You know, this constant refrain, and you heard it in the hearings, about how smallpox vaccine rid us of the smallpox epidemic. That is completely false. The opposite is true.

If you really look at the history of smallpox, the vaccine made things worse, and yet our history was written as if the vaccine cured that epidemic. Same thing with polio. It's another narrative and myth that we rid ourselves of polio. There's more polio like paralysis in the world today than there was during the polio epidemic. And we know why, because it wasn't polio.

It was mass use of pesticides and DDT that was causing paralysis in all of these kids. And and you could see the spikes and waves, and, also, most of the childhood illnesses had the deaths from them had literally plummeted to near zero by the time the vaccines for those diseases came out. And yet, what are we told historically That the vaccines eradicated childhood... No.

It didn't. We know that now. It was personal hygiene, sanitation, water purification, you know, getting rid of slums and the, you know, the the pestilence in some of the, inner city neighborhoods that that fostered and breed these epidemics. And so vaccines had very little to do with it. And so you ask me where I am now

So that's that's one thing. The overstating of the efficacy and the miracle of these vaccines is a myth. Then there's the other side to it, which is the and and I learned this from ivermectin in terms of the censorship of the journal level, the propaganda that the journals play. But the burying of adverse events and the toxicities vaccines, they go hand in hand.

It's it's safe and effective. Right So they they propagandize both, and the pharma does this around every product. But the safety of these vaccines has never been shown. In fact, it's been suppressed.

This idea that there's no link between vaccines and autism is laughable, just laughable. There's immense amounts of data. There's no other explanation for the massive skyrocketing rise in autism rates and ADHD and allergies. They all parallel the explosion in the childhood schedule. So for anyone to say that there's no link, there's plenty of links.

They've done studies comparing unvaccinated, vaccinated kids. There's a recent one in the last few weeks showing much higher rates amongst the vaccinated for all of those important diseases. So we know that there are really negative consequences to vaccination, but you never hear of them. Right All you hear is how effective they are and how safe they are, and it's an easy decision.

Anyone who questions it, there's something wrong with them. They don't know the science. And and that that was one of the themes of this week. You you heard senator after senator on one side of the aisle completely Royce, I mean, I'm not saying anything is new to you, but watching that, I literally felt I mean, I could feel it that they were getting paid to say that.

The things that they were told to said, those narratives were, like, literally to say this to Bobby and to the American people, and they just kept putting out little pharmaceutical talking points, attacking Bobby, and, it it's it's really kind of disturbing to watch, Royce.

I mean, these are the people leading our country, and they're bought and paid for and talking for, corporations. It's it's sad to see.

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