Predictions of Ascension Gary & John video 10

14 days ago

In this video, Gary Peter Carlson and JohnofheLight discuss the prophecies-predictions around Planetary Ascension and Individual Ascension, and their timing. They discuss the significance of each type of Ascension and their importance to humanity, to those in cycle, to those who have completed their cycle and are ready to graduate, and to Starseeds. They discuss the battle raging between good and evil on Planet Earth in the spiritual context of humanity versus reptilians, which is to say souls with empathy versus souls and races without empathy for others. The earth and Humanity have been taken over by extraterrestrial races without empathy for others, led by the Draconian Draco Reptilian race. They have infiltrated humanity through technology by inserting their souls into human bodies, and no one even knows it. They now walk among us. The coming year is very important for humanity, and will determine whether or not we have Planetary Ascension. The importance of Planetary Ascension and Individual Ascension cannot be overstated. Pray for humanity, and may God help us all. Please go to to learn more about souls, get a soul report or get a free mini soul reading to find out where you are at spiritually.

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