She's Gonna BLOW! Never Trumper Tara Setmayer LOSES IT Debating Scott Jennings About Dan Bongino

4 hours ago

Posted • February 25, 2025: We could watch Scott Jennings make the Left and Never Trump cry on CNN all day every day and twice on Sundays. He is truly the only thing worth watching on the crap-hole of an outlet. It would be interesting to see their ratings since Jennings first started dragging stupid people on their network. Case in point, the absolute FIT Never Trumper Tara Setmayer threw over Dan Bongino. They just keep on proving Trump RIGHT. Scott Jennings brutally reminds CNN Abby Philip that Dan Bongino's appointment to Deputy FBI Director is based on President Trump's authority and not on Democrats who refuse to get over their embarrassing election loss. —— Jennings followed up: Scott Jennings @ScottJenningsKY: “Interesting moment of election denialism on CNN tonight. “I’ll never be over it, Scott.”” —— Ruh-roh. And we have it on good authority that election denial is basically treason. Hey, we're just playing by their rules. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - She's Gonna BLOW! Never Trumper Tara Setmayer LOSES IT Debating Scott Jennings About Dan Bongino

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