Can't Believe WHITE WOMAN Rachel Maddow Went THERE About Joy Reid Being Fired But … She DID

3 hours ago

Posted • February 25, 2025: Rachel Maddow showed up on Joy Reid's last show to bid her farewell, and in our opinion, it looked as if Maddow knew it was coming even as she bellyached and said it was a huge loss. Beyond the fact that we know she has been involved with other significant decisions at the outlet (blocking Keith Olbermann, for example), the look in her eyes convinced us. And then she tried throwing her bosses under the bus during her show by playing … wait for it … the race card. ON MSNBC. HA HA HA HA HA. —— NO JOY: MSNBC's Rachel Maddow in the wake of Joy Reid's show being cancelled: "I think it is a bad mistake…" She then accuses MSNBC bosses of being racist: It’s "unnerving" to see the network's decision to cancel shows hosted by nonwhite anchors: "That feels indefensible." —— Knowing she likely knew and may have even signed off on the termination? Heifer, please.

And of course Rachel Maddow, of MSNBC, went there … she is claiming, by not out-right saying it, that the firing of Joy Reid of The Reid Out was due to racism. So … since Rachel is so concerned about the color of the skin of those who were fired … maybe her white arse needs to be fired next. That should make it fair … Right? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Right? You'd think the privileged white woman would be so enraged by this racist act that she would walk and yet, here she is. We imagine this appealed to the 36 or so viewers she still has, but this was tacky, even for Maddow. Lmao “it feels indefensible to fire someone if they aren’t white.” Even worse: “The person I respect the most is the least reliable and most unhinged person on the network.” -- USAID gets exposed and these “journalists” and anchors are quitting or getting cancelled. 🤔 Interesting. So is she gonna quit in protest or keep cashing those checks? Those checks ain't gonna cash themselves. Hey, Rachel. Give Joyless your job and pay. That would be FAIR, right Rachel? (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Can't Believe WHITE WOMAN Rachel Maddow Went THERE About Joy Reid Being Fired But … She DID

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