IRS Employee Shares 'Journey' Of Going Into The Office And Being Fired, Receives ZERO Sympathy

5 hours ago

Posted • February 25, 2025: While we're not seeing a ton of sympathy from Americans about federal employees losing their jobs, they are especially NOT SORRY to see IRS employees go. Perhaps it stems from decades and decades of being robbed, threatened, terrified, and harassed simply for earning a living in this country. We're not entirely sure why this woman thought it was a good idea to share her experience getting laid off from the IRS but here we are. And ain't nobody shedding any tears for her. -- I wish I could like this a thousand times. IRS worker documents her journey going in and being terminated from The IRS. (It’s beautiful.) “I'm no longer employed, I do not have my badge anymore — Time to go file for unemployment.” Fire them all. Abolish The IRS!!! Democrats wanted 87,000 additional IRS agents to target Americans. Trump is downsizing The IRS, with plans to Abolish The IRS. Notice how she complains it's not a day for her 'to go in.' And she wonders why nobody feels all that sorry for any of them. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - IRS Employee Shares 'Journey' of Going Into the Office and Being FIRED, Receives ZERO Sympathy

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