Project Camelot interviews Duncan O'Finioan 12.14.2006 18 YEARS AGO

7 days ago

Duncan O'Finioan, known as the "Ultimate Warrior," was subjected to a highly classified MKULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT. He was brainwashed, conditioned, and controlled as part of this program.

In 2006, Project Camelot conducted an interview with Duncan O'Finioan, where he shared his experiences and insights.

Additionally, Duncan O'Finioan participated in the Project Camelot Awake and Aware conference in Los Angeles in September 2009, where he discussed his experiences further.

For more information about Duncan O'Finioan and his experiences, you can visit his profile on Project Camelot's website.

To watch the interview conducted by Project Camelot, you can view the video below:

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