It's Time to Get Naked in Your Marriage - 219

9 days ago

In marriage, we naturally seek to share our true selves with our partner. However, for this to take place, there must be a prepared and protected atmosphere providing an environment where we can regularly “get naked.”

God intended for the vulnerability of marriage to encompass every aspect of our beings - physical, emotional, and spiritual. When we can be completely open and transparent with our spouses without feelings of shame or fear, we lay the foundation for a strong and intimate relationship to flourish. If there are parts of ourselves that we are keeping hidden from our partners, it signifies a barrier within the relationship that needs to be addressed. Intimacy is a fundamental human need, and it can only be achieved in an environment of honesty and openness.

You may not have recognized the importance of exposing your true self to your spouse, but it is essential for a deep connection. This involves sharing all aspects of who you are, not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. You need to open up and reveal yourself, but you cannot do that in just any place or with just any person.

Healthy nakedness must happen in a special place with the right person. Although special friends and family can accommodate the need for exposure to some degree, marriage is the singular place God has created for us to fulfill the need for total exposure of our true selves.

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