Let's Go Work in Foreign Country | چلو چلو باہر ملک میں نوکری کرو

1 month ago

Pakistan Portal: https://beoe.gov.pk/foreign-jobs

1. https://adem.public.lu/en/demandeurs-demploi.html
2. https://ec.europa.eu/eures/portal/jv-se/search?page=1&resultsPerPage=10&orderBy=BEST_MATCH&locationCodes=lu&lang=en
3. https://adem.public.lu/en/mobilite-europeenne/Eures.html
4. https://ec.europa.eu/eures/portal/um/search-for-advisers?lang=en

Work in Luxembourg: https://work-in-luxembourg.lu/offers?page=0

Work in Denmark: https://www.workindenmark.dk/

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Exceptional leader in data sciences with 12+ years of experience in leading medium to large size teams across diverse geographic regions. I’ve managed budgets upwards of 150 million dollars and also able to be hands-on within data science, blockchain and artificial intelligence. Developed and groomed career paths for mid-to-senior level data scientists and technical managers. Actively seeking Director/VP/C-level positions for data analytics, products, strategy, governance, policy, applications and restricting misuse.

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