A Chinese Mother's Memoir, Completed by Her Son EP831

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Chinese-American experience, as relayed by a mother, then her son. A baby is born to a dirt-poor family that doesn't want her... a family is torn apart by Mao’s Communism and stuck in two worlds ... a mother fights for U.S. citizenship as she pursues a career ... her son completes her epic memoir after her death.
Big idea: Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins was born unwanted during the 1931 Yangtze River Flood, adopted by medical missionaries, brought to the US for a few years, then trapped in Communist China. She was neither American nor Chinese "enough," yearning for acceptance and home her whole life. Her memoir, finished by her son, is an eyewitness account of Chinese history and her own harrowing story.
Why it matters: The Chinese immigrant experience, especially for women, is often overlooked and deserves to be told. Bridging two centuries, this story brings to life themes of displacement, hope, and a woman's coming of age, and brings history to life.




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