Randy Learns Science (Version: 0.1.2) (fr/en)

5 hours ago

#memes #randy #gaming #education #retrogaming

- Game Jolt - Invite Link: https://gamejolt.com/invite/AntoineVanGeyseghem
- Kick: https://kick.com/antoine-van-geyseghem

French / français

Pour faire simple, c'est un jeu qui fait assez penser à "Baldi's Basics". Mais c'est vraiment différent. =O

Suggestions et/ou questions, dites-le ! Bon visionnage !

English / anglais

To put it simply, it's a game that is quite reminiscent of "Baldi's Basics". But it's really different. =O

Suggestions and/or questions, say so ! Good viewing !

--- Randy Learns Science: https://gamejolt.com/games/randylearnsscience/591883
--- Chaîne YouTube du développeur / Developer's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXUs4itqwt32I6BADisbi_g

Musique / Musics :

--- Confetti's - The Sound Of C': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0_B0rO7jsg&pp=ygUKc291bmQgb2YgYw%3D%3D
--- Kraftwerk - The Model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEnx9xS79Lc&pp=ygUTa3JhZnR3ZXJrIHRoZSBtb2RlbA%3D%3D
--- 2 Unlimited - No Limit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6FVk2k4qsM&pp=ygUMMiB1bmxpbWl0ZWQg
--- Geometry Dash - Stereo Madness: https://youtu.be/AxdOft-dLG8

Contact :
- Gmx: antoinevgs@gmx.fr
- Gmail: vangeyseghemantoine@gmail.com
- Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem
- Game Jolt - Invite Link: https://gamejolt.com/invite/AntoineVanGeyseghem
- Kick: https://kick.com/antoine-van-geyseghem
- Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem:c
- Odysee - Invite Link: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@AntoineVanGeyseghem:c
- Discord: Antoine Van Geyseghem#5273
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/A_Van_Geyseghem
- VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/user/AntoineVanGeyseghem

Donation :
- PayPal: paypal.me/AVanGeyseghem
- IBAN: BE16 3404 0649 1874
- Tipeee: https://fr.tipeee.com/antoine-van-geyseghem

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