How The USA Tricked Europe Into Total Strategic Defeat | E. Bistoletti & P. Lottaz

6 hours ago

Originally published on Feb 23, 2025.
The other day I was on Ezequiel Bistoletti’s show Demoliendo Mitos de la Politica (‪@demoliendomitosdelapolitica‬). He runs that channel in Spanish and published our conversation in that language, and here it is for you in English—or in your language if you watch this on one of our other channels. It’s mainly an interview with me about what’s going on with the new Trump administration and the War in Ukraine.

One of my key arguments is that Europe got plaid so hard by its "ally" the USA that the Europeans still can't wrap their little NATO minds around it. And this is not just a "Trump phenomenon". No, the systematic undercutting of European interests by Washington has a very long tradition, the old continent just had no political leadership that could have prevented that.... And now "the weak suffer what they must".

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