#195 | Bernie Wins Nevada & Russia, Horsey-Faced Lesbians, Justice for Ilhan? | Beauty & the Beta

10 hours ago

Show streamed live on Feb 23, 2020
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Semi-Charmed Life remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCIqnB7sIaw
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
"Dog Park" and "Odahviing" written and performed by AENEAS: http://bit.ly/2sibPZ7

Items referenced:
Epstein didn’t kill himself float: http://bit.ly/37SaWXt
About the Epstein float: http://bit.ly/2TaQDPA
Delegate Mark Levine on how to hold guns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlimCLccxpQ
Cheers as VA AWB fails: http://bit.ly/323pWjM
Virginia AWB bill fails: http://bit.ly/2SAzq3e
New source says Ilhan Omar allegations of brother marriage are true: https://dailym.ai/38TAogA
FBI reviewing Ilhan’s case: https://bit.ly/3a0nPzY
BBC reporting people for reacting to their non-binary haircut bit: http://bit.ly/3bXkXWI
Nevada Caucus results: https://politi.co/2VfeNes
Mayor Cheat calls shenanigans: https://politi.co/2Pi9bMy
Biden’s Nevada speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V2xCx-YHu0
Warren says elect a woman to combat sexism: http://bit.ly/2PdH698
9-year-old comes out to Pete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukrk85Zi-Ls
RCP polling averages: http://bit.ly/2SWuK9r
Full NBC News Nevada debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZkV0ISxcQY
NYT horsey-faced lesbians fact check: https://archive.is/9tOW0
Bloomberg says Trump is the real debate winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-uBQOosK_o
Bloomberg ad tests Twitter on ‘misinformation’: http://bit.ly/2HZf79z
Bolton at Vanderbilt: https://bit.ly/2VgHGqQ
NY Times story on Russian 2020 meddling: https://archive.is/nGrKP
Hot Russia takes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iruf0Qc7saw
Herridge says no evidence: http://bit.ly/2PeU9az
National Security Advisor says no evidence on Face the Nation: http://bit.ly/38QXVyM
Bernie briefed about Russian meddling: https://archive.is/gCzmP
Bernie condemns Russian meddling: https://politi.co/2Pi3BtM
Kaitlin Bennett at OU: http://bit.ly/37C0GTc
Bennett asks about presidents: http://bit.ly/38QXhRS
Extreme minority: http://bit.ly/2vUO3p9
Various attacks on Bennett: http://bit.ly/37PBSHq
Snopes on Bennett’s past: http://bit.ly/38TpcAr
Couple charged with running 2 Trump teens off the road: https://abcn.ws/32mSViF
Aubrey Huff banned from SF Giants World Series reunion: http://bit.ly/2V0Rhld
Giants deny they banned Huff because of Trump support: http://bit.ly/2VcXVoJ
Boosie Badazz kicked out of Planet Fitness for take on Dwyane Wade’s trans kid: http://bit.ly/3c4LcKy
Hoax hate, Salisbury University graffiti: http://bit.ly/37NtN5P
Suspect identified, but who?: https://archive.is/HXpaF

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