Fox Theater | Know Your Bible | A Lesson On Signs & Symbols gods~monsters | Know Your Enemy

11 hours ago

Know Your Enemy

😮💩 Weird Shit3
Scripture Quoted
King James Version
Acts 6:8-8:3. Especially Acts 7:50-53
A Stoning
Stoning was reserved for Adultery and Blasphemy. In Stephen’s case he was accused of Blasphemy by saying Jesus is God.
Jesus is God. but these men wrongly thought Stephen had stepped over the line.

Those were dying words.

When a person is stoned to death it is with; what may be considered a “one man rock.” We continue to use this designation today in landscaping.

A rock, the weight an average man was able to lift over his head and then to thrust it downward with significant force. Let’s say from 15 to 25 pounds.

To then be able to thrust it downward with such force as to break bones, bruise and deeply cut flesh.

The goal in the stoning is to cause maximum pain.
First, what would be to break the feet of the unfortunate under the murderous gaze of these Pharisee.

Break the legs one by one. Next the body. You get the gruesome picture.

It was a community sanctioned ritualistic murder; to send a message of fear and loathing to the community.
And, lastly the head is broken.
Serious Fellows FAFO

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