Prophet Julie Green - The Dismantling Of The Establishment Has Only Just Begun - Captions

9 days ago

Prophet Julie Green conveys a powerful spiritual message, thanking viewers for joining the broadcast on February 10, 2025. She shares personal revelations and prophecies received during the weekend, emphasizing the spiritual battle and God's intervention against the enemies of the United States. Key themes include the significance of trust in God's plan, the exposure of corrupt systems, and the dismantling of secret societies like the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs. Julie also elaborates on various scriptures about waiting on the Lord and the importance of faith, courage, and hope amid turmoil. Additionally, they provide a prophetic word concerning the downfall of global establishments, referencing significant names and organizations involved in global control. Julie concludes with a prayer against the spirit of suicide and offers further encouragement and resources for viewers.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 02-10-2025 and may be watched here: 👉

The Dismantling of Secret Societies and the Power of Waiting on the Lord

In this episode, we delve into a spiritual awakening and prophetic insights following strong prophecies received over the weekend. The discussion covers the return of President Trump, the exposure of financial and political corruption through Doge, and the importance of waiting on the Lord. Several scriptures are shared to emphasize the role of faith and divine timing. A powerful prophetic word is given, highlighting the dismantling of secret societies like the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs, their control over global systems, and God's plan to expose and defeat these hidden powers. Additionally, the segment addresses psychological warfare and the spirit of suicide, offering prayers and hope for those affected.

00:00 Introduction and Spiritual Insights
00:24 Prophecies and Financial Warfare
03:05 Waiting on the Lord: A Spiritual Guide
04:48 Scriptural References on Patience and Faith
07:56 The Significance of the Eagles' Victory
12:18 Prophetic Word: Dismantling the Establishment
17:07 Exposing the Global Elites
24:38 Signs of the Times: Natural and Spiritual Shakings
30:02 Biblical Prophecies and Current Events
44:23 Reading Psalm 4 and CEV Translation
44:37 The Futility of Plans Against God
45:23 God's Promise to David and Its Implications
46:11 Warnings to the Rulers and Nations
48:23 The Dark War for the Soul of the Nation
12:51 The Role of Secret Societies and Overlords
53:34 God's Plan for Dismantling Corrupt Systems
01:11:01 The Manipulation of Sports and Entertainment
01:14:06 The Exposure of Globalist Agendas
01:17:36 Prayer Against the Spirit of Suicide
01:22:17 Final Words and Upcoming Events

Video Information:

MUSIC: First Song - One With Christ by Autumn Summers
Second Song - Only You by Abel Soto
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org
Feb. 10, 2025-The Dismantling Of The Establishment Has Only Just Begun
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Waiting on the Lord is to actively trust God's timing and His plan, patiently depending on His guidance and provisions while maintaining a posture of faith and hope.
God is everything you need Him to be and He is a God that you can count on.
God rises you up above your enemies.
Wait and trust on the Lord and you won't grow weary.
The key to staying in peace, having joy, strength, and victory is waiting on the Lord.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Luke 21:9-11
Hag. 2:6-9, 22
Ps. 2:1-5, 9-11
Matt.12:25(A House divided cannot stand.)
Eccles. 1:9 (Thereis nothing new under the sun.)
God is going to completely dismantle the architects (your enemies) and their systems.
Dismantle: take a machine or structure a part to pieces.
As you see the signs of this dismantling, you need to stand firm.
Things are starting to shake both physically and spiritually.
This is not the time to be lukewarm. You need to be hot and pressing into God and what He is desiring for you.
God has warned His children of all the things that are taking place, but to not fear.
God gives you these signs, so when things do happen you won't be terrified or afraid.
God is going to do even more miracles, signs and wonders in the latter reign.
God is overthrowing your enemies.
There is always revival in the midst of darkness.
God should always be first and foremost in your life.
Prayer Scriptures:
James 4:7
Jesus has already paid for your freedom!
Speak the Word of God and Life over yourself and your loved ones.

Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, February 10th of 2025. I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show. I just want to tell you something is going on so strong spiritually because this weekend when I was spending time with the Lord there was five different prophecies and they are strong and it is so amazing.

What we have already seen God do is Even in the first three weeks of President Trump becoming president of this United States of America again, Doge, I believe, is definitely what God is using to destroy our enemies and what they've been doing against us financially and how they have been financing themselves with this establishment.

It is an amazing thing to see how our enemies, if they had nothing to hide, then why are they so terrified and why are so many judges trying to stand in the way? Why are they protesting? Why are they calling for chaos in the streets? Why are they doing these things if they're not committing any crimes?

Innocent people do not act this way. And remember what God was saying. He's putting them on the stage, on the spotlight, for them to be exposed and for them to be removed. So this is just the beginning of what we're going to see with our freedoms restored, with truth and transparency. And I'm telling you, get used to hearing the word, Get used to seeing the money trails.

Get used to seeing what God is saying for expose, expose, expose. Because we haven't seen anything yet. And what he was showing me this weekend, with what we've seen with USAID, It is just a drop in the bucket. So hold on because there is going to be so much more in this time of shaking that God is really going to get in deep of all the enemies and all their honeypots and honey holes everywhere.

They've been siphoning money, all their fraud, all their systems, all their schemes and everything that has been trying to sabotage this country and bring it into a one world government. Okay. It's going to come crashing down. It's going to come crashing down very hard and very fast. So hold on. And while we are seeing the exposure of our enemy, I'm serious.

I know I can't even wrap my head around all the things that God is doing in such a quick period of time. Just think about the enemies. We're in excitement because of what God is doing and they are the exact opposite. You know, they are terrified. Because of what God is doing. But even in the midst of all his exposures and all the shakings and everything that God is doing right now, what should we do?

What should we do in this very time period when it looks like things are gonna go awry or go crazy? Things are starting to shake and you're not gonna understand why, what, and things are going on and why they're happening. We wait on The lord so I want to give you some scripture today about waiting on the lord and The reason to wait on the lord, so I was looking this up waiting on the lord Okay, this is what we're supposed to be doing waiting on the lord and it is to actively trust in god's timing and plan patiently depending on his guidance and provision While maintaining a posture of faith and hope rather than trying to force outcomes.

That's the meaning of waiting on the Lord. I'm going to say that again a little bit slower. To wait on the Lord means to actively trust in God's timing and plan. Patiently depending on His guidance and provision. While maintaining a posture of faith and hope rather than trying to force outcomes on your own.

So God is telling us to wait on Him. For his perfect timing and his perfect plan. We may not know exactly How he's going to do all these things We just have the hope and the faith and the trust in him that he's going to do in his word What he said he would do. Deliver, be our high tower, our fortress, our deliverer, our provider.

He is our advocate. He is the Great I Am. He is the God of the impossible. So while we are waiting on him, we're going to keep our faith and hope and trust. I want to go to a few different scriptures this morning about waiting on the Lord. First scripture, Psalm 27 and verse 14. And it says, This is the Amplified.

Psalm 27 verse 14. Wait in hope for and expect the Lord to be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord. Expect the Lord to do what? To do what he said in his word he would do. He is a faithful God. He's a God that can be trusted. He is a God that will save you.

He is a God that will make you stronger than your oppressors. He is a God who will deliver you out of it all. He is a God that will turn your mourning and sorrow into joy. He is a God that will give you peace when there is no peace. He is a God that will heal when there is so much sickness and disease.

He is a God that will provide when there is so much lack. God is a God who we can count on. And that's why we wait. Hope and expect for the Lord. And when we are doing that, we're to be brave and have good courage. Next scripture, Isaiah 40 in verse 31. But those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for and hope in him shall change and renew their strength and power.

They shall lift their wings and mount up close to God as eagles. Mount up to the sign. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint or be tired. So as we are going through distress, discouraging times. If we wait on the Lord, we're expecting him to act. We're not trying to do things on our own.

We shall change and renew our strength. God is changing and renewing our strength. If we're saying, God, I'm not going to use all my strength up trying to figure out this problem and trying to solve it on my own, my thank you in the midst of all this turmoil, in the midst of all this chaos, you are going to renew my strength.

I thank you, Father God, while my enemy was trying to deplete. My strength or my joy you are renewing it and giving me that strength and giving me that power and Just like the scripture says they shall lift their wings and mount up close to god Remember if we're mounted up close like god like eagles, we are above Our oppressors.

We're above our adversaries. We're above all those things that they're trying to do against us God rises us up above. We shall mount close to God as eagles mount up to the sun. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint or become tired. And just like, you know, and I'm not a big football fan anymore.

I used to be because, you know, I used to, I, I really do like that sport. But because it started kneeling a long time ago, I just haven't been the same with it. But last night, the Super Bowl. Now, I didn't watch it all, of course, because I go to bed and I pray before I go to bed, so I didn't really watch it, but I watched a tiny little bit of the beginning part of it.

But having the Eagles win, I really do spiritually think there's something to do with that. I'm not saying it's just football. I'm saying it's the name of that team. There's something about it. And they won, and it was dominant. So I think there's something spiritual that goes along with this too. And so, this country is God's eagle.

And I'm, I know we're going to be dominant against our adversaries. Against the people that we're up against right now. But again, it says, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or be tired. So if we are trusting in God or waiting on the Lord, we're not going to be weary. We're not going to faint.

We're not gonna fall. We're not gonna be discouraged and we're not gonna become tired because God is renewing our strength. Let's go to Lamentations 3 and verse 25. The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for him, to those who seek and require of him and require him right of necessity on the authority of God's Word.

So here's another scripture. Because of God's word and the authority of God's word, we wait on the Lord. Okay? And again, when I did that reference to the Super Bowl, I am not, like, I wasn't bashing the Chiefs or whatever. I actually like Mahomes a lot. He's a born again child of Almighty God. And so I was just referencing that just to be clear.

I didn't really care technically who won that game last night, but I do see something about the name of that team who did win and their Eagles. And this country, our, our Eagle, our Eagle, the Nat is our national bird. A bald eagle. So I truly believe that is very, very it's significant to what we are about to see in this nation in this time period that we're living in.

All right, let's go to the next scripture. Isaiah 30 verse 18. Isaiah 30 verse 18. And therefore the Lord earnestly waits, expecting and looking and longing to be gracious to you. Therefore he lifts himself up that he may have mercy on you and show loving kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice.

That's what most of us need to know. God is a God of justice. That's why when we wait on the Lord, He is going to serve out a lot of justice because He is the God of justice. Blessed, happy, fortunate to be envied are all those who earnestly, so those who are happy and fortunate, they are blessed, they are joyful.

They are full of strength are the ones who wait on the Lord those who earnestly wait for him who expect and look for him For his victory his favor his love his peace his joy his matchless and unbroken Companionship when we're waiting on God Look at all these things that we're waiting on his victory his favor his love his peace joy matches unbroken companionship So the key to staying in peace, the key to having your joy, the key to having so much strength, and the key to having victory is waiting on the Lord.

His plan. His will. Giving it all to Him. Casting those cares upon Him because He cares for you. Not Sitting there and wondering and trying to worry yourself out through fear of how to figure out your situations and circumstances and change your outcome. God will do it. Wait on him. So all this discouragement and all these things are trying to overwhelm you and weigh you down.

Wait on the Lord give it to him and you will have that desired outcome, which is your victory because God promises it Okay, I hope that encouraged you this morning. Now, I'm gonna get to this prophetic word. It is a little bit of longer one This is the first of two that I heard on February 2nd This is the first one and it's called The Dismantling of the Establishment Has Only Just Begun. O my United States: This dark war for the soul and control of your nation has been ongoing for longer than you realize.

There have been overlords that have dominated the government. Financial markets, news cycles, your intelligence community, along with dominating foreign nations for full world control. The underwriters for all the discord and wars have been working overtime to cause as much chaos across the nations as they can.

I have warned you what you would see in the last days. Wars and rumors of wars, nations will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. You have read, have you read, and really listened to all of my words that I spoke regarding this very thing. I said, see that you are not frightened, for this must take place.

My children, what you are about to see in your nation, in The Land of My Eagle, and the nations around the world must take place for my glory to fill this earth, for a time of restoration before the end comes of your enemies. I also warned you of pestilences, famines, and earthquakes in various places; but again, not to be afraid, because I Am what you need,

and nothing is bigger than the Great I Am. I will say again, these things must take place for the Great Awakening to show the world I exist. And I still am the God over all nations. No matter the plans set in place for your enemy's desired "great reset".

Your enemies have many plans set in motion against your nations and your freedoms, but they will see my hand move and dismantle it all. Your enemies have no idea what's about to happen to them. The leaders of the nations Will begin to fall like flies. The leaders of the secret societies ruling the nations will join in to try and save what is left of their vision and design of the world just to fall themselves and to see all their plans and control come to dust in front of all the nations.

I Am tearing apart those societies that have ruled and reigned behind closed doors controlling your economies, your trade agreements, wars, weather, and so many things they designed, including viruses, pandemics, and countless diseases, for profit. My children, these sick individuals, have controlled societies for decades.

And people were completely unaware, thinking all these things just happen on their own, but they don't. I Am weeding out all the Illuminati from your government and Hollywood. O United States, the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs are your puppet masters. The architects of the establishment. They are the ones controlling the WEF.

The WHO, NATO, and most governments around the world.

I will prove to you this is no conspiracy. These people are real, and so are their systems, their corporations, and their control. These are the globalists your governments have been owned by. And they have gotten into your intelligence community and spy to control your lives in unspeakable ways.

You will see names like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the list goes on. How they have manipulated nations for their own gain. How they have invented unthinkable things. To enslave you when you truly were, thought you were free. I will rip apart these societies.

These are the ones who designed your swamp, and created the corporation that was devouring your nation. The corporation that was meant to decimate the republic that you truly are, O United States.

This corporation is being dismantled right before your very eyes. An American Revolutionary War is taking place as I speak, and this time your enemies won't stay in control. I Am taking them out to free this nation from the trash that has controlled it for years.

My United States, I warned you again. Your enemies are about to strike. But I Am here to bring an end to them. This is for your freedom. So don't be alarmed with what you see. No, I Am setting you completely free from your enemies, says the Lord of Hosts.

Lombardi, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason.

My children, football is about to be turned upside down. Many secrets revealed on the outcome and results of many upsets in games. There is a system I will show you just like an award show. The bureaucrats always get what they want.

There are many secrets, even the NFL players have no idea any of this is taking place. The architects of your nation also control the sports industry for their own gain and greed. There is nothing new under the sun. Remember the Romans in the Colosseum? Think of that in today's society. It's still the same thing, just called something different.

For entertainment, and your enemies control, and their financial reward. I told you the sports industry would shake, and you are about to see a major fallout of the deception plaguing this industry, says the Lord. Your enemies and everything they touch and every system will be dismantled by me, says the Lord of Hosts.

Chekhov, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason.

The Rockefellers and many of their dark secrets are about to be released. The Rothschilds and their dark past along with their existence and dominance in this nation, and others it's about to be brought down.

My children, get ready for shocking truth to flood your enemies, to destroy their lies, keeping them in power, to fully bring an end to their rule, says the Lord your Redeemer. And then I also heard: "death spiral" will be in your news for an unprecedented and significant reason that phrase death spiral I should say. I Am bringing an end to how your enemies covertly destroy your economy your freedoms and your lives this system will be entirely dismantled.

I will show you the full truth regarding their insurance companies and why and how they were really designed against you in so many ways The system wants to deceive and destroy you, and I Am putting an end to it all.

Many calculated deaths the establishment had committed to try and save the system they hold dear. It will all come out and judgment will be served in this great war, to bring down your enemies and totally remove the giants out of your lands. Everything they have done will be exposed, and there will be nothing left of your enemies or their systems,

says the Lord. Now, remember the Lord has been talking about the architects and the blueprints. The blueprints of so many different attacks against this nation and all the systems that have been formed. And now he's giving you who the architects truly are and who have designed all these blueprints against us.

God has talked about this for a very long time. Warned us of these very people. Told us about the puppet masters. And now we know who the pop up masters are. These societies, these groups, these are the ones that are controlling the establishment. These are the ones who made the establishment. They're the ones who control how governments are designed and how they are controlled.

They are, these people are the ones behind wars, behind pestilences, behind the economies. And I'm telling you the prophecies that I've gotten over this weekend, five, they are long, they are strong, and they are very detailed of things that are to come, of what we are going to hear. How God is gonna completely dismantle, and he kept using that word over and over.

And so when he keeps using that word, I'm gonna get A definition out because he just kept saying that word and I want to let me hear. Dismantle. Definition. Take a machine or structure to pieces. So God is going to rip to pieces or dismantle the system, the establishment, the societies, the secret societies that have ran this country and the countries around the world.

Dismantle, to take a machine or structure to pieces. And the meaning, so I just read you the definition. Now the meaning of dismantle is to take something such as a machine or structure apart, that is in a separate pieces. God is going, it's kinda like Humpty Dumpty, okay? It's gonna fall and be disrupted in so many different pieces.

There's gonna be so much disruption and destruction. There is, they're not gonna be able to put these pieces back together again. God is going to rip it apart in so many different pieces. It will be impossible for them to rebuild it in the same way. God is done just like he was with Pharaoh ruling and reigning over his people.

He has said enough is enough. And there was something that my son Caden, do a shout out, my youngest son Caden, He showed me over the weekend. Remember when God said we were going to start seeing some of the signs? Just like the plagues of Egypt how he was going to show us. This is part of the greater Exodus and as we seen the signs we are to stand firm That God is delivering us to From the hands of the pharaohs of today.

There are two bodies of water. I think it was two rivers. One was in Argentina and one was in Peru. They have turned blood red. And one was a, one of the first plagues of Egypt was the water turning into blood. We've also seen over the course of the last couple years We've seen many different bodies of water turn red.

We've also seen locusts. We have seen some crazy things. And I think it was over the weekend. There was a big like 7. 6 earthquake. I think it was, I don't remember where it was actually. Just lost. I just lost my train of thought of where it was, but there was a big one. And you have Greece, Santorini, Greece, beautiful place.

One of the guys says about there was going to be swarms of earthquake in your news. Again, he was going to tell us that was a sign of things that come shaking spiritually. Santorini has had like, I don't know, it was like 200 or 2, 000 or 20, 000. It was something, something crazy in the number of swarms of earthquakes.

It is unheard of or you can use the word unprecedented. You guys can look it up. Santorini, there's been a lot of evacuations of not only tourists, but of people who live there. These swarms are unprecedented in this place. Again, God said the world was going to shake. We were going to start seeing things shaking physically because things are shaking spiritually.

So what do we do as a child of God when we're seeing all these things take place? We wait on the Lord. We say, okay, God, what do you want me to do? And again, over the weekend or last week, it was the end of last week, I think, there was another plane crash. Now, I know they honored, at the beginning of the Super Bowl yesterday, they honored the, the people who were killed in New Orleans on New Year's Eve by a terrorist.

He was part of ISIS. Unfortunately, he was also part of a military somewhere. Here, but I don't remember exactly where he was from, but he killed like 15 people that night. And then they honor the, the people, the victims of the plane crash in Washington, D. C. at Ronald Reagan International Airport. And then they honor the people who were killed in Philadelphia.

But there was also another plane crash. Ten people died in Alaska. There was a plane crash that hit icy, icy water. And none survived. There are things happening all over the place. God was warning us about this. There's so many instances with playing lately. Now, I'm not saying this to bring fear to anyone, at all.

Because God can protect you wherever you're going. But again, if you're told not to go somewhere, you have really that feeling on the inside of you of God saying, No, don't go. But again, don't do something out of fear. We got to pray and ask God in this moment in time. This is not where the church should be lukewarm.

We either be hot or cold. We don't want to be lukewarm because even what Jesus said in the book of revelation, he'll spew you out of his mouth. I don't want to know what that exactly means but we need to be hot right now because the thing is we need to be more pressing into God And getting what he is desiring because we're supposed to be the salt and light in this world We're supposed to be giving people hope and instead so many the body of christian There's something by of christ and christians all over the world Have are full of so much hopelessness and despair and darkness that they blend in with the rest of the world We're supposed to be separate.

We're God's chosen people. And so what we need to do is tap into more of what God is saying, receive his glory, receive his words, receive what he's doing, wait on him, and as we're waiting on him, and everything is going around the world is going crazy, you're gonna say, Like why are you not freaked out and you're saying I'm waiting on the Lord because the Lord had already prophesied these things He warned us of these things and we're not gonna fear because it's all in God's timing.

It's all in God's plan It's all in God's purpose And he is going to get us out of all of it all because he promises he will deliver us out of it all You see how different you're responding to somebody when things are happening instead of you panicking and freaking out You're just like I'm just waiting on the Lord It will be so, so much light and bring so much peace into somebody who has not any peace and it has no, it has no light in them at all.

We're supposed to be that salt and that light salt cleanses and light destroys darkness. All right I'm gonna go over some scriptures here Luke 21 in verse 9. Remember in this prophecy he was talking about wars and rumors of wars And so you can find this in matthew Mark and Luke's account, but he wanted me to do Luke's account.

I actually had Matthew first pulled up He said no do this one instead. I'm like, okay I don't ask him why I just do what he wants me to do So Luke 21 verse 9 through 11 and when you hear of wars Now this is the reason why as soon as I read this so Matthew 24 talks about wars and rumors of wars But this one, I didn't ask them that question, but as soon as I read that first verse, I was like, I know why you wanted me to read this one.

And when you hear of wars and insurrections, do you know, remember what God said in a prophecy back about a month or so ago? He said that, that, that the enemies of this country were gonna try to cause their own insurrection. Do you know what they were doing at the, the Board of Education, that building?

They were trying to stage an insurrection. They even called it that. The news even called it, like, an insurrection. So an insurrection, or disturbances Disorder and confusion. So again, God is so awesome because you have Matthew, Mark, and Luke's account. But Luke's account in the amplified version as I'm reading this to you, and as I was reading this morning, it just amplifies everything that we're seeing right now coming out of the establishment.

Coming out of that side of the left. And the rhinos, they are freaking out. They are causing insurrections, disturbances, disorder, and confusion. Why are they doing that? Because, if you are in confu if you're confused and you are distracted, Then you can be destroyed. That's why they're trying to cause all these things.

But God is saying when you see insurrections, disturbances, disorders, and confusion, remember Satan's author of confusion, but it says right here, do not become alarmed and panic stricken and terrified. So when you see all these things, he didn't say you weren't going to. He said you were going to see these things.

He said, don't become alarmed, panicked, stricken, and terrified for all this must take place first. But the end will not come immediately, verse 10. They told them nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, verse 11. There will be mighty and violent earthquakes in various places, famines, Pestilences, plagues, malignant, contagious, or infectious, epidemic, diseases, which are deadly and devastating, and they will be a site of terror and great signs from heaven.

Stop right there for a minute. God warned us about insurrections, disturbances, disorder, and confusion. Don't be afraid. He told us that nation will rise against nation. Don't be afraid. He told us about earthquakes, famines, pestilences. Don't be afraid. But look at how the amplified version in Luke 21. So Luke was a doctor.

He was more specific in his writings as versus Matthew or Mark. He goes into more detail and I love the amplified version of this. Remember what the enemies were saying from the who and the world economic forum. I mean, you're talking like people like Bill Gates and George Soros says. Buddy, how they were talking about quad demic.

They were talking about pandemics, they were talking about all these different viruses that were going to be happening or released right after President Trump takes office. God warned us of these very things. Jesus warns about these very things even before they took place that we are seeing right now, right now.

Plagues, a malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic, diseases, which are deadly and devastating. They are man made. They are human designed. He said, and there'll be, and then also, there'll be sights of terror and great signs from the heavens. Now, do you know how they talk about meteorites? And they always freak people out with meteorites.

But again, there are things that we're gonna see. Sites. In the signs in the heavens so either with meteorites or you're gonna see like certain different types of storms You're gonna see certain things that are gonna get your attention in the sky But in all these things God tells us not to be afraid if he were Just not tell us this and we saw these things and we have every right to panic But he's saying you're gonna see these things and it must take place For the destruction of the enemy then that's why we're not supposed to fear.

Remember, we're waiting on the Lord. Let's go to Haggai 2. I've read this before, but he wants me to read it again. Haggai 2 verse 6 through 9. Stop right there. This is something that Luke was talking about. About what was going to shake and the things that you're going to see in the heavens Matthew and mark account also talks about it Matthew's account and Mark's account talks about the sun turning into blood and the moon turning dark.

Or sorry, the moon turning, sorry, moon turning into blood. The moon turning into blood, moons, and then the sun turning dark, or you could say eclipses. In the past several years, we've seen blood moons and we've seen the eclipse of suns. The sign. Again, that is all scriptural. It's all prophetic. And when God is giving us these signs, these things don't just happen for like just any reason at all.

It's for a specific reason. He's giving you a sign in the heavens. A blood moon is usually a warning to the Jewish people, to Israel, and the eclipse of a sun is usually a warning to the Gentiles or to the rest of the world. We've seen both lately. And so what we have to do is remind ourselves that God gives us these signs So when things happen upon the earth, we're not supposed to be terrified.

We're not supposed to become frightened or fearful. He said look, verse 7, and I will shake. Now, that's a physical shaking. That's a financial shaking. That's spiritual shaking. That's political shaking. I will shake all nations and the desires and the deprecious things of all nations shall come in. I will fill this house with splendor says the Lord of hosts.

A lot of people don't want to talk about finances. I will tell you there's so many different prophecies I'm gonna give out to you this next week or two that God talks about the finances and how it's important right now. Verse 8, the silver is mine, the gold is mine, says the Lord of hosts. Verse 9, the latter glory of this house with his successor to which Jesus came shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts.

And in this place will I give peace and prosperity, says the Lord of hosts. So again, we're part of the latter rain. And the latter rain is greater than the former rain. You saw the miracle signs and wonders that God did in the former rain and God says I'm gonna do even better and even greater in the latter rain.

We're going to experience what no eye has ever seen, no ears ever heard. I'm telling you. What's going to take place in this country? What's going to spread throughout the earth? Because of the shaking that takes place in this country, it will shake the nations. In all this destruction and chaos, and all these things that the enemy has designed, you will see it be dismantled.

In an only way that God can do it. People are not going to get credit There's already I mean guys using people you can see it. Like I said, I believe doge is God ordained 100 and again checks and balances guys been talking about or you could say another thing about audits There's things God said, follow the money.

Money was going to be the downwards, downward spiral of the enemy's exposure. Let's go to Haggai 2 in verse 22. Haggai 2 verse 22.

Okay, hold on a minute.

Let me get it out.

Now, I will in the distant future overthrow the kingdoms and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms. So again, God will overthrow the kingdoms. He will overthrow the rulers. He will overthrow anyone that's against his will. I will in the distant future overthrow the thrones of the kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the ungodly nations.

What is the strength of the kingdoms? One of the things is lying. That's what keeps them in their places. And money. That's what also keeps them in places of power. The deception and the financial part of it. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them. The horses and the riders shall go down, every one by the sword of his brother.

God is overthrowing these people who have disrupted, caused chaos, all these wars. All these pestilences, all the financial destruction, just like he did Pharaoh. Again, this is just on a bigger scale. Let's go to Psalm 22 and verse 28. Psalm 22 and verse 28. For the kingship and the kingdoms are the Lord's, and he is the ruler over the nations.

These people who are being exposed, who have tried to take God's place in ruling over the nations. God is going to overthrow them.

Psalm 2. And this is going to be out of actually, I didn't tell him which one, so that's my fault. I was going to do a CEV translation, but I will do it out of the Amplified because I didn't write down which one I wanted. Okay. Why do the nations assemble with commotion, uproar, and confusion of voices?

And why do the people imagine Mediate upon the device of an empty scheme. Verse two. The kings of the earth take their places, the lord, or sorry, the rulers take counsel together against the king.

So again, you know that they were up against and they were going against God because they were so anti christian. Do you know that you could talk and discuss to any religion in any school? You couldn't mention Jesus and you can't mention Christianity. And I love the fact of what President Trump was doing as he was getting rid of all of the discrimination against Christians.

What a powerful time we are living in, when we have a president that loves God, who respects God, who is tearing apart all this anti Christ system, anti God system, that is against us and against God. It's amazing to see. It's like a breath of fresh air. And that's why the enemies are freaking out. Verse 3.

Let us break their bands of restraint, asunder and cast their cords of control from us. Verse 4. He who sits in heavens laughs. Lord has them in desertion and to supreme contempt. He mocks them. Verse 5. He speaks to them in his deep anger and troubles, terrifies and confounds them in his displeasure and fury, saying, now before he goes on, I gotta read this out of the CEV translation.

Now he doesn't have this up. This is, I'm just gonna read this on my own. Psalm 2. I'm gonna read 1 through 4. Psalm 4. I just read it out of the Classic Amplified. I'm gonna read it out of the CEV. Why do the nations plot? Why do their people make useless plans? Well, they're useless plans because they're against God, and if they're against God, their plans won't succeed.

That's why they're useless. The kings of this earth have all joined together to turn against the Lord. Yes, they have. You can see it in this last several years. And his chosen king. Verse 3. They say let's cut the ropes and set ourselves free. Verse 4. In the heaven, the Lord laughs as he sits on his throne making fun of the nations.

Verse 5, the Lord becomes furious and threatens them and his anger terrifies them as he says, I put my king on Zion and my sacred hill. Verse 7, I will tell the promise that the Lord made to me. You are my son because today I become your father. Verse 8, this is something David had a revelation of. Look at this, ask me for the nations.

God is saying this to David, and every nation on earth will belong to you. They don't belong to the enemy. They belong in the hands of a child of the Most High God. And again, God calls President Trump as David. I think that's very telling for the sign of what we're living in right now. Psalm 2 and verse 9 out of the CEV.

You will smash them with an iron rod and shatter them like dishes of clay. Verse 10, be smart all you rulers and pay close attention. Verse 11, serve and honor the Lord and be glad and tremble. Show respect to his sons because if you don't So he's talking to the rulers of the nations. If you don't respect God, and if you don't respect the ones he's chosen, this is what's gonna happen.

Psalm 2, or Psalm chapter 2, verse 11, out of the CEV. Show respect with sons, because if you don't, the Lord might become furious and suddenly destroy you. But he blesses and protects everyone who runs to him. That's why I wanted to read out of the CEV translation. I apologize, I didn't give that one to him to have it up on the screen for you.

Psalm 2 out of CEV. Read it all. Read the whole entire chapter out of the contemporary English version. You can read it out of any version that suits you. I'm just saying this is what the Lord was showing me this morning. These people who are trying to do things against God, but if we're running to God, we're waiting on Him, He's gonna protect us.

And the ones that are against Him, He's going to destroy. That's His promise. And that's why when we are waiting on the Lord, We shall not grow weary. We shall not faint. We should not get into fear because he is going to protect us and he even says he sits in the heavens and he laughs Because why he sees their defeat coming.

Let me go back over this prophetic word because it's so long for the sake of time I had other scriptures that I'll probably will go over tomorrow

So again in this prophecy, he's giving us a clearer vision of of who the puppet masters are, who the architects are, and he's revealing to us more exposure, and how he is going to dismantle them while he's exposing them.

Oh my United States, this dark war for the soul and control of your nation has been going on for longer than you realized. And in that first sentence, he talks about this dark war. There has been a war for the soul of this nation to bring a division, discord, you might say, because a house divided against itself cannot stand.

They wanted the soul of this nation. Again, this nation was one nation under God. This is a Christian nation. They were trying to turn it into an Antichrist. Nation. Anything against God. They were building this system that's completely anti God in every way. And they wanted you to be enslaved to it. And so what God is telling us, there has been a dark war for the soul of this nation.

And as we are seeing the fight, And the war end for the soul of this nation. We are going to see our enemies falter and fail and God revive life into this nation once again.

Okay. So I had to read something because there was a prayer request that needs to be spoken at the very end. So I will definitely pray for that person. Okay. So again, this dark war for the soul and control of this nation. Look what they did. They brought confusion. Look what they were doing with the transgenderism movement.

Look what they were doing with the fear and anxiety from COVID, the panic attacks, the Seriously, there's been so much which God has been talking about and he will talk about in later prophecies. Psychological wars of warfare. PSYOP operations. To bring so much weakness, to bring so much division, to bring so much confusion, to bring so much fear and panic, that people will not have the strength, the energy, to fight back these globalists and to fight back against their system.

This is why God has been calling it a dark war, and it's been going on for longer than we realized. We only thought, you know, maybe it's been going on since Kennedy. It's been going on way farther. It's been going on a lot farther than that, long ago. Pretty much since the beginning of this country, the enemy wanted to dismantle it from the start.

There have been overlords that have dominated the government, financial markets, news cycles, your intelligence community, along with dominating foreign nations for full world control. So he's telling you there have been overlords. People have been thinking it's just been this shadow government, That has been in D.

C. Yes, there has been a shadow government, a. k. a. the, the swamp, the deep state, the establishment. Yes, there has. But there are people that are controlling them. There are higher ups. When you're seeing the people in the establishment, those are the puppets, compared to the people that are behind them, controlling everything else, behind the scenes.

And then he calls them the underwriters. So he calls them the underlore, overlords, he calls them the underwriters. The underwriters for all the discord and wars, so they've designed wars, have been working overtime to cause as much chaos across the nations as they can. I've warned you what you would see in the last days.

Wars and rumors of wars. Nations will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. But have you read and really listened to all my words I spoke about regarding this very thing? I said, see that you are not frightened for this must take place. Why would he allow things to shake like that? Why would he allow certain things?

For the dismantling for the destruction of their system because these are the days of Haman They are reaping what they have sown. He's allowing them to be put out in the spotlight That's why he allowed the 2020 election and just wait till that get dismantled and how much more That will bring down the rest God is so not done with 2020 yet.

We are going to see the exposure of the assassination attempts against President Trump. We are going to see the exposure of January 6th. God's been saying all these very things. That's why our enemies are terrified. But when he says wars and rumors of wars, our enemies designed all of these wars. He warns about these things that he's only gonna let them go so far they can't go as far as they want.

Even with their pestilences and their famines and all these different things that they create, they can only go so far. It's to shake God's people out of our comfort zones, for one, because if we are comfortable, most people don't turn to God. There has been a huge wake up call in the last five years in this nation and around the world.

More people are looking God than just a person or a president. More people are going into prayer than they ever have been. There is always revival in the midst of darkness. As always. There always have, there always will be. Because people turn to God in the midst of being uncomfortable, in the midst of discouragement, in the midst of darkness, because what Satan meant for harm, God will turn it into something good.

Somehow, someway. Now, he says all these things must take place, why? For their destruction. Not for ours, for theirs. My children, what you are about to see, in your nation and in the land of my eagle and the nations around the world it must Take place for my glory to fill this earth for a time of restoration before the end comes of your enemies So again, it doesn't matter What it looks like it's not for our end.

It's not going to be the end of this country It's not going to be the end of the nations. It's the end of the system. It's the end of the people controlling that system. He's still warning us there's still things that are going to happen. I've also warned you of pestilences, of famines and earthquakes in various places.

But again, not to be afraid. Because I Am what you need. And nothing is bigger than the Great I Am. So when you're seeing these things happen, Satan's going to automatically try to bring as much fear as he possibly can. And he has been since, especially since 2020. Follow me. I have never seen so much fear filling the earth, ever, in one period of time, ever.

There has been so much fear, and fear is to paralyze you, and deplete your strength, and to get you to turn away from God. To begin, I will say again, these things must take place for the Great Awakening, and to show the world I still exist. When people are looking, people are good, in good times, people don't look to God because why, they, why do they need to look to God?

They're living in good times. They're comfortable. We should look into God whether we're comfortable or we're uncomfortable. God should always be first and foremost in our life. He says, and to show the world I still exist and I still am the God over all nations. A lot of people have forgotten that God is a God over all nations.

No matter the plans set in place for your enemies, desired great reset. They have things, you That they are going to put out and they're going to put in motion. They're setting in motion right now as we're, you know, I'm speaking these words and as God's given it to me. They're setting things in motion behind the scenes that you don't even realize.

But God's saying it doesn't matter. They're desired great reset. It will not happen.

Your enemies have many plans set in motion against your nations and against your freedoms. But, they will see my hand move and dismantle it all. So they have their plans, and God says he's going to move his hand. Again, we see his hand talking in reference to his hand again. He's going to dismantle, or tear it apart.

Your enemies have no idea what's about to happen to them. They, they're starting to get a clue something is seriously wrong, and that's why they're going into panic mode. And that's why they're going to try to fill the streets, and that's why they're going to try to bring discord and chaos. Because they're trying to bring distraction.

They're distracting and deflecting from the truth. And it's not going to work. But they have no idea what's going to happen because they're not going to see God coming. That's going to hit them the way he's going to hit them. The leaders of the nations will begin to fall like flies. The leaders of the secret societies ruling the nations will join in.

So they see all their puppets. They're telling all their puppets to do all these different things. They're giving them their orders. But now you're going to start seeing more of the puppet masters. On the front line and you're gonna see more of them doing their own bidding instead of just their little puppets You're gonna start seeing them more in the spotlight

and you will try they will try to save what is left These puppet masters, these leaders of the secret societies, they're going to try to save what's left of their vision and design of the world. Just to fall themselves and to see all their plans and control come to dust in front of all nations. Think about dust.

You think about when God says he's gonna rip all their things, all their plans apart. He's gonna rip it apart or dismantle it. That means breaking up in pieces. Think about how small little dust particles are. That's What he's bringing their power and their system to, to dust.

I'm tearing apart those societies that have ruled and reigned behind closed doors, controlling your economies, your trade agreements, wars, weather, and so many things they designed, including viruses and pandemics and countless diseases for profit. My children, these sick individuals, have controlled societies for decades and people were completely unaware.

Thinking all these things just happen on their own, but they don't. There's a lot of people that thought the President of the United States of America is the most powerful person in the world. But, that's what it was supposed to be. But it's been an illusion for a very long time. Because you've had these overlords, you've had these architects, you've had these secret societies, these leaders behind running all these systems, trying to control everything.

It's And they were, they had more power than the president. Now they think they have, they're gods and they think they have more power than God, and they don't. But there's been so much underlined, that's why God says you can't go by what things are seen. Because things are not how they appear to be. And now you're seeing more and more, because God is taking away more and more layers of what's truly been going on.

I'm weeding out The Illuminati from your government and Hollywood. Oh United States, the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs are the puppet masters. Now he's revealing to you who they really are. There's major, there's major secret societies. The two biggest ones are the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs. Now you have other ones.

You have Skull and Bones. You have the Trilateral Commission. So on and so on. The Freemasons, there are many secret societies. These are the ones who have been doing all the bidding. These are the ones have been setting things in motion. They're the ones that are in controlling the leaders of the nations and what happens in these nations.

They're the ones controlling the economies. They're the ones designing and controlling when pandemics happen or when all these viruses are let loose.

That's why he calls them sick individuals.

Oh my United States, the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs are the puppet masters, the architects of the establishment. They are the ones controlling the WEF or the World Economic Forum, the WHO, the World Health Organization, NATO, and most governments around the world.

These things are not just happening to happen. These things are set in motion by these people behind the scenes. These wars don't just, you know, come up on their own. They do it. God just gave me some prophecies about war profiteering or war racketeering. I think it's what it's called and how they profit off of war.

How they control nations because of war and chaos. And of course the diseases they make up for profit off of with big pharma, all their vaccines, all their medications. And of course, they want depopulation. So they're profiting off people's death. I will prove to you this is no conspiracy. These people are real, and so are their systems, their corporations, and their control.

These are the globalists your governments have been owned by. Think about this. USAID was giving George Soros money. He's one of the overlords. He's one of the architects. He's one of the puppet masters. And our taxpayer dollars were going to him. Bill Gates. You will find out there is so much of our government spending that went to the overlords.

They weren't paying things out of their own pocket. They were deceiving us, using our tax system to enslave us, to control how much money we actually have, and it was giving money back to them. It's a very sick, disgusting, vile, evil system. And that's why God's been saying He's going to tear apart the Federal Reserve Because they're against us, and he's going to tear apart the IRS.

Now you're seeing how some of that could come to pass because you have DOJ.

Once it's found out, look at the Department of Education. People are freaking out because what's gonna happen? What's gonna happen? The Department of Education was designed and built under an executive order by Jimmy Carter. Our kids were educated before the, the Board of Education would ever existed.

Our education system was built with the Pilgrims. It was built around the Bible. We actually had a classical Christian education. Our children were actually educated the right way. See, what people think always existed, wasn't. These systems, these things were man made and designed against us, not for us.

And since Jimmy Carter, and since the Department of Education has been made and developed, it has actually made our children worse off. 2012 And the education system, worse, not better. Now you're going to find out where all that money went. And it wasn't to further and better our education for our children.

It is a sick system that was designed to weaken and bring such a sickness to our country. To bring death to it. Death is the foundation and death is the reason why it was ever made. That's what they were doing. They weren't just making people sick physically. Mentally, but also financially, in every way they could.

That's why God calls it. These are the globalists your governments have been owned by. They have gotten into your intelligence community and spied and controlled your lives in unspeakable ways. Think about it. We're gonna find out how every way that we were deceived. That's why God says things are not how they appear to be.

You will see names like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the list goes on. You How they have manipulated nations for their own gain. How they have invented unthinkable things to enslave you with when you truly thought you were free. I grew up thinking I was living in a free country.

It was supposed to be a free country, but it really wasn't free at all. Then I find out about, you know, what happened with segregation. That's not freedom. What's going on with those financial systems? That's not freedom. What's going on in education? That's not freedom. It's not freedom when we're told we can't pray in school.

It is not a freedom. That we can't save Jesus or one nation under God and it would offend somebody. And then you could be taken away in handcuffs. Heaven forbid you prayed and might have, you know, somebody else heard you. It's not been a free country. But we truly thought it was, and that's why God said it has been manipulated.

And they profited off of us. They were making money. We were, they were being paid by our tax dollars. And that's why there was, I think, just like, I think with Doge was trying to do something to the, the, the Treasury. They wanted to audit the treasury. Oh, it will be audited. And God showed me something very spectacular that I cannot wait to show you.

I will rip apart these societies. These are the ones who designed your swamp and created a corporation that was devouring your nation. So now we found out who, who designed the corporation when our country is supposed to be a Republic, the corporation that was meant to decimate the Republic, that you truly are a United States.

This corporation is being dismantled right before your very eyes. An American Revolutionary War is taking place, as I speak this, at this time, and your enemies won't stay in control. We had a Revolutionary War we had a American Revolutionary War. We were we separated ourselves from Great Britain.

But did we really? Did it look just that way for a short time? They just got right back in. Just in a different way. More under the radar. Well, they could control you while you were unaware, so they could get whatever they wanted, and they did. With you not fighting them back. That's what they did and God's showing it I'm taking them out to free this nation from the trash that he calls them trash that has controlled it for years My united states I warned you your enemies are about to strike and i'm here to bring an end to them This is for your freedom.

So don't be alarmed with what you see No, I Am setting you completely free from your enemies says the lord of foes So when you start seeing certain things that you don't understand Just know That got it this must take place And God is doing this to set us free. Lombardi. Now, I don't know if this is Vince Lombardi or just, I don't know.

It could be, but Lombardi, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. I'm assuming it might be just for the fact the next paragraph talks about football, but as you said, it's just Lombardi. But anyway, my children, football is about to be turned upside down. Many secrets revealed on the outcome and results of many upsets in games.

There is a system I will show you just like award shows. The bureaucrats always get what they want. Award shows are a joke in most cases, like the Grammys and, you know, the Oscars and things like that. Those aren't a dun Those are also just like the election. They're fraudulent. It's not the people who get to pick.

The bureaucrats decide who wins. It, it, it decides who their, you know, favorite puppets are. And they get what They get all these awards and they get all this distinguishment and all these things that people will do whatever they want for these things. They, they sell their souls to it. It's a system of lies, boxing, all these different sports, baseball, basketball, the sports industry is full of a lot of manipulation.

There are many secrets, even the NFL have no idea any of this has taken place. So NFL players have no idea this is going on. You know, like basketball players or baseball players, a lot of these people are just doing their job. They, they love their job. They're doing it. They love the sport. They're just doing it.

They're just puppets. They don't realize it. These people are playing with their livelihoods. The architects of your nation also control the sports industry for their own gain and greed. There is nothing new under the sun. Remember the Romans and the Colosseum. Think of it in today's society. It's still the same thing, just called something different for entertainment and your enemy's control and for financial reward.

Think about the Coliseum. They always made the person they did not want win. They always stacked the deck against them. Right? Like, my kids like, you know, the movie Gladiator. You think about it, the debt was stacked against the good guy every single time for the reward of the people who were putting this, these things up.

God is saying, this is not anything different. I told you the sports industry would shake, and you are about to see a major fallout of deception and plaguing this industry. Says the lord so we're gonna see a fallout of a sports industry. So that For all of it. That's just across the board your enemies and everything They touch and every system will be dismantled by me says the lord of foes So even sports you have their economic you have their news you have their governments All these different types of systems, the Seven Mountains of Influence, all these different ways are going to be dismantled and torn apart.

Now, the name Chekhov, it's spelled C H E K H O V. So I don't, I'm, I'm pretty sure I'm pronouncing that right, Chekhov. This name will be in your news for a shocking reason. The Rockefellers and many of their dark secrets are about to be released, so watch a lot of what's gonn

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