Prophet Julie Green - Services Temporarily Will Go Down To Destroy Those Against You - Captions

10 days ago

Prophet Julie Green shares a video message initially recorded on January 24, 2025, while attending a prayer retreat. The focus is on praying for the nation and the body of Christ due to anticipated times of shaking and upheaval. Julie emphasizes the importance of interceding for others, referencing several scriptures like Colossians 3:1-2, Psalm 34:4, and Psalm 56:3-4, to encourage viewers to trust in God's protection and deliverance. Additionally, a prophetic word from January 19 is shared, predicting temporary disruptions in services (like internet and phone lines) as a sign of the enemies' systems failing. It also prophesies significant changes and the fall of major corporations such as Microsoft, Amazon, Disney, Google, and Apple, due to their involvement in global control agendas. Julie reassures that these disruptions are for the ultimate good and freedom of the people. Prayers are offered for strength, soundness, and divine intervention.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 01-31-2025 and may be watched here: 👉

Urgent Prophetic Word: Shaking the Systems - Encouragement and Scriptures

In this episode, recorded on January 24th and airing on January 29th, Julie is on a prayer retreat interceding for the nation and the body of Christ. They emphasize the intensifying shakings predicted by God and encourage viewers not to fear because God is near. Julie shares several scriptures including Colossians 3:1-2, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 23:4, and Deuteronomy 31:6 to encourage and reassure viewers about God's protection and deliverance. A prophetic word is shared, indicating that enemy systems will fail, services will temporarily go down, and that this disruption is a sign of God silencing the enemies. Companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Disney, Google, and Apple will face major changes, and the current financial and credit systems will be overhauled for the good of the people. Julie urges viewers to remain steadfast, trust in God's protection, and prepare for the great changes ahead.

00:00 Introduction and Current Date
00:10 Prayer Retreat and Intercession
01:25 Encouraging Words and Scriptures
09:19 Prophecy: Services Temporarily Down
15:00 Technological Disruptions and Enemy Control
16:10 Scriptural Assurance and Divine Protection
26:11 Divine Protection Over Food Supply
27:16 Unprecedented Weather Events
28:00 God's Distinction Between His People and Others
28:46 Prophetic Word: Enemy Systems Failing
10:17 Disruptions in Communication and Technology
36:52 Judgment on Microsoft and Other Giants
40:10 Financial Systems and Banks Will Collapse
43:51 Encouragement and Prayer for Viewers
46:04 Closing Remarks and Resources

Video Information:

COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org
Jan. 31, 2025-Services Temporarily Will Go Down To Destroy Those Against You
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Ps. 34:4
Ps. 56:3-4
Ps. 23:4
Deut. 31:6
God hears you and He promises to deliver you.
Put your confidence, trust and reliance in God only.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 143:12
Ps. 9:3
Deut. 28:7
Ps. 55:9
Ps. 56:9
Ps. 138:7
Ex. 9:1, 4, 6, 24, 26
God is on your side so do not fear anyone or anything.
God saves you in the midst of trouble.
God wants you free so you can freely serve Him.
Declare and decree that your food supply is not affected by anything the enemies are trying to do to it.
Rely on God and put your trust in Him. He will not fail you or leave you.
Have a firm focused foundation on the Father.
Prayer Scriptures:
Isa. 54:17
2 Tim. 1:7

Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is actually still Friday, January 24th. You will see this Wednesday, January 29th. The reason for that is because I am now with my team, on assignment, on a prayer retreat praying and interceding on behalf of this nation and the body of Christ because God has been warning us About the time we've been living in.

He's been warning us about the shakings and things are going to intensify and people will be caught off guard And so he has us on assignment praying for the situation But again, there is nothing to fear. Why? Because God is near, God's got it, but still we have to do our due diligence by standing and interceding on behalf of people and so do each and every one of us for our family members, for our own lives, for our friends, for our families, whoever it is.

We have to stand in the gap for those who will not stand and those who will not pray and for those who do not believe that anything is going to happen. But when we are encouraging ourselves in the Lord that God is doing a good work and things are going to change for our good. And so that's why you are not seeing me.

I mean, yes, you were seeing it live. But that's the reason why you're seeing me, uh, do this pre record for you because I am praying for each and every one of you and for what's going on in the nations all around the world. But I want to give you some encouraging words before I get to this prophecy that I have for you today.

And the first scripture I want to get to is Colossians 3, 1 and 2. Colossians 3 verse 1 and 2. And it says if then you have been raised with Christ to a new life Thus sharing his resurrection

Good morning, everybody today is still actually january 24th Of 2025 and you will see this on friday January 31st and the reason for that is because i'm still out of town With the prayer team and we are praying and interceding on behalf of this nation and the body of christ For this global, like, reawakening, uh, for, uh, for the great harvest of souls for the time of this intense shaking that people will not be moved.

So we are on assignment right now, and that's the reason why I'm pre recording these videos for you. And the reason why I do this, again, is because it's so important and it's so vital that you get these, these prophetic words and this encouragement at the exact day and time that God wants them to be released.

That's why I don't just go out of town and not have anything If he really wants me to put something and he puts it on my heart to give it out to you I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to get these words out And so you saw monday wednesday and now today which is friday of this. Um, Pre recording and I will be back in the office By Monday, so you'll see me back again on Monday.

I will be back to give another word of Encouragement and whatever God has for me to get to you that day. Now, I want to give you some encouraging scriptures this morning And we're going to start with Psalm 34 in verse 4. The reason why I'm starting with that is because the enemies are trying everything they possibly can to bring so much fear in this world.

And when they're bringing in fear, that is destroying people's faith and trust in God. So Psalm 34 in verse 4 says,

And on the authority of his word, he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. So if you are dealing with a lot of fear right now, and apprehension because what's gonna happen with these shakings, and what kind of things are gonna go on around the world, and you're just in the point where you're just getting so nervous about it, again, I sought and inquired if we're seeking God, and we're asking Him what He wants us to do, and we're declaring and decreeing what He wants us to say.

Again, look what He says. He heard me, and He delivers me from all my fears. So He hears you, and He promises to deliver. So if fear is trying to attack you today, Remember, you inquire of the Lord, you speak the word of God, He hears you, and His promise is to save you. Next scripture, Psalm 56, verse 3 and 4.

And what time I am afraid, I have confidence, and have put my trust and reliance in you. Verse 4, By the help of the Lord, I will praise His word. On God I will lean, and rely, and confidently put my trust. I will not fear what can man or who is flesh do to me. So right now, what time I am afraid. So anytime we're afraid, we're supposed to have confidence and put our trust and reliance on God.

Not on ourselves, on God. Why? By the help of God, I will praise his word and God I will lean and rely and confidently put my trust. I will not fear what can man or flesh do to me. If we have that confidence and know. What can man do to me? If God is before me, if God's on my side, if God's on the inside of me, and we know if God's on the inside of me that He is greater than the one that's against me, then why am I afraid?

Why am I afraid of what they can do when their power is nothing compared to God's power? God's power is always greater. Gonna overpower our enemy. So that's why we're supposed to have that confidence and we're supposed to trust and be confident in God rely on him because he is the one who will defeat our enemy every single time.

God doesn't lose. The next scripture is Psalm 23 in verse four, and it says, yes, though I walk through the deep sunless valley of the shadow of death, I'll, I will fear or dread. No evil. You are with me. You're raw to protect. Your staff to guide, they comfort me. So even though we're walking through a valley of the shadow of death, so even though we're going through dark times, even though it goes through times where the enemy is trying to bring death and destruction, why are we not supposed to fear when all these crazy things are happening in the world?

Why? Because God is with us. And he is, he comes to protect us. And his staff guide and they comfort. Look all the ways that God's saying, even though you're walking through this darkness, God is going to be that light. He's going to protect us. He's going to guide us through it, and we're going to have that victory.

He's our safe place. God is our protector. Let's go to Deuteronomy. 31 and verse 6 and it says be strong courageous and firm fear not nor be in terror before them For it is the God the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you I say this a lot people will fail you people can disappoint you But God doesn't.

Our enemy make it, wants to make it appear that way, but God doesn't fail. Time and time again in the scriptures it talks about how God doesn't fail. Our faith may fail, and our confidence may fail in God, and our trust in Him may fail. But he doesn't. Humans fail. God doesn't fail. So if we know, be strong, God gives us the ability to be strong, courageous and firm, fear not, or be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.

If you know that God's going with you, He will not fail you, and He will not forsake you. He's not going to leave you in the situations and circumstances that you're in. We get a lot of emails talking about it. People are in dire and desperate situations. And they're losing hope in them because they're so overwhelming, but I want you to have that confidence and trust in God.

He will not fail. He will save you. That's his promise. And God does not break his promises. He doesn't break his covenant. Jesus has already destroyed our enemy. So be confident today that God is moving on your behalf. You may not understand how he's doing it, You may not even know when you're going to see that outcome, but you just know that you will because God will never leave you where you are right now.

So hope that encouraged you this morning. Hold your head up high. God is on your side and he's greater than anything that you face. Okay. Now on Wednesday, I pre recorded for you, uh, a prophecy that was from January 19th. It was the first one. This is the second one from that very same day. So January 19th.

This is the second one and it's called services will be temporarily... sorry... Services Temporarily Will Go Down to Destroy Those Against You. Services Temporarily Will go Down to Destroy Those Against You. For I the Lord say your enemy's systems are failing when services temporarily will go down . My children, this is nothing to fear.

This is a sign your enemies will be no more in control. When things become silent, just know: I Am silencing your enemies. You have entered the days of things becoming more and more unprecedented. You will see unusual things happen with your internet and phone access. Things will seem to be shaky and weird, and no one can explain it of your services going in and out.

This is a part of shutting down your enemy's lines of communication to save you from their next moves. You will also hear more grounding of flights. This is not to bring you fear, but to save you from what they had planned in your skies. Your enemy's capabilities to tap into and control airplanes, cars, phones, trains, computer systems at will is staggering.

And most people are completely unaware of how much they really could take away from you in a split second.

They had a plan to take out your power grid. But it was not in the way most people think. A whistleblower is coming to blow that plan into complete smithereens. My children, most people like technology for the convenience that it brings, but your enemies like it for control they've had over you. When disruptions occur, your enemies will lose control they use with technology they once had. I Am cutting them off and giving that to the ones I have chosen for this time to give you your freedoms back, says the Lord.

Microsoft is about to crash in a major way once the servers your government used to control you with will completely be exposed and shut down. I told you this company has helped the establishment further their plans and destroying this nation and the world This is the unimaginable to most people that the heinous crimes they have saved on their servers to blackmail one another to secure their safety and the safety of the establishment.

Microsoft has been a part of so much of the global tyranny. It is truly unprecedented how this company and Bill Gates are being judged and it will totally be different moving forward after changes are being made to its infrastructure of this corporation and the purpose of its real existence will be exposed.

My children, I told you the giants were coming down. And this is one of many, says the Lord of Hosts. Amazon, Disney will soon follow, including Google, Apple, and everyone a part of a "reset", using their inventions to destroy you and further their agenda. They will all fall. Big banks will crumble to the ground and their system extinguished.

The financial collapse they want to protect themselves with will bring them down instead. They thought their plan was foolproof, but it was not. Banks that enslaved you will be wiped out. And so will everything they had on you, and all their mortgages and their loans, and the dirty deals they designed to set a trap so you would ultimately lose,

and they would gain everything they could from you. The days of banks ruling the show are over. This system is about to crash. Hold on, my children. This is not for your destruction, but for your freedoms out of that system for good. The credit system will also be gone, and a new one will be put in place;

something that is meant for your increase and not for your enslavement and bondage. Hold on, Giants are falling, shaking is intensifying, and great changes are being made for your good, says the Lord, your Redeemer. Now a lot of people when they think about their phone services going in and out, or internet services, or I know people talk about electricity with blackouts, and again, there's a lot of different ways you can have blackouts, but God is saying any time there's interruptions, And anytime it seems wacky and weird and you don't understand what's going on, remember our, you know, all this technology is like our normal now.

It brings us comfort, but the enemy's counted on that. While it's bringing you comfort, they're taking more control. They're spying on you more. They're doing more damage against you. And so what God is saying, when you're seeing these interruptions, do not be afraid. Start shouting. Start getting excited.

Because when he's shaking things up like this, that means he is destroying every part and everything of their control that they had over us. This is part of their, uh, those chains breaking off. Not saying that we're not going to have the conveniences of technology. He's just breaking apart the system that they were using that was evil, that was against us.

I want to get into some scriptures. Psalm 143. And verse 12, and it says in, in your mercy and loving kindness, cut off my enemies and destroy all those who afflict my inner self. For I am your servant. Now, the reason why he had me read this one out to you. And in your loving kindness, cut off my enemies.

God, and this is what we all should be saying right now. God, because you love me. It is written. Because your mercy and your loving kindness, I thank you for cutting my enemies off and destroying all those who afflict my inner self. For I am your servant. Why? We are, we are children of Almighty God. They are trying to affect and destroy our inner self.

Our soul, our mind, our will, our emotions. Why do you think they want to chip you? They want to chip your brain. Why do you think they want to put a chip in your hand or your forehead? They're already talking about that kind of stuff. Why do you think they're talking about, you know, all the jabs, with the mRNA, and all the stuff?

They're trying things to change your inner self, which is changing your DNA. They're trying to change how your body functions. They're trying to change, they're trying to change your blood. Everything they can to change what God designed, and twist it and turn it for their, uh, for their purpose. That's why, that's why I said, God cut them off.

If we, if God doesn't cut them off, they're gonna try to just do, again, what did Jesus say in the last days. And he was telling his disciples in the last days would be like the days of Noah. Look, look, you can compare it to us right now. Look what's going on right now. How there's so much evil going on.

It's like the days of Noah. But again, in order for God to save more people for before the Great Tribulation there has to be some type of shaking. Shaking us loose and causing an awakening so we can turn and trust more in God and so people can turn from the wicked ways. God wants more people into the kingdom of God.

Let's go to Psalm 9 in verse 3 When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish before you. That means, right here, my, our enemies, say, my enemies, they're going to turn back. That means they're not going to keep pursuing me. That means they're not going to keep going in the same direction. Eventually, our enemies are going to turn back.

Why? Because if God goes before us, who can be against us? And if God is going, if our enemies are coming out against us one way, do you know what I mean, 28 7? They'll flee before us seven ways. Our enemies are going to turn back and run because they're going to finally figure out That is the still the one true God.

He is still alive and he's fighting for these people. They haven't gotten it yet because they're strong headed, they're bull headed, but God is showing them. Let's go to Deuteronomy 28 7. I know I quoted it, but let's read it. The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face.

They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven. That's what this part of the shaking is when he's taking things that are comfortable to us and things are going to change It's our enemies that are coming out against us because they're using this technology against us Even worse than we ever thought, but they're gonna flee before us seven.

God will have the final say. Let's go to Psalm 55 verse 9 out of the Passion Translation. God confuse them until they quarrel with themselves. Destroy them with their own violent strife and slander. They have divided the city with their discord. The reason why he showed me the past in translation this morning And he had me go over this.

Look, God confused them. Look what he did with the Tower of Babel. He confused them. He confused their tongue. And then when they confused them, they couldn't complete The, the plan that they had. So again, confuse them until they quarrel with themselves. What? They turn on each other. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

And we saw in 2nd Chronicles 20, you can see how the enemy turned on themselves. They destroyed themselves until they were all dead. So, again, we don't defy in this battle. I'm not saying everybody's gonna die. That's not what I'm saying. Everybody twist my words. There are so many people out there, they'll take that short little clip, twist it.

That's not what he's saying. But he's saying the Amazigh are going to fight amongst themselves, we don't have to fight in this battle. Now some won't survive, but some will, for sure. Psalm 56, verse 4. Psalm 56, verse 4. By the help of God, I will praise His word. On God I'll lean and rely and confidently put my trust.

I will not fear. What can man, who is flesh, do to me? And I know I quote this all the time, but the reason why I want to read it, think about this last part. What can man, or flesh, do to me? There's a system that's doing things against us right now. But God is saying right here, we're not supposed to be worried about it because it's a natural system.

And that God in his supernatural power is, will make their power become nothing. So what can man do to me? If we know God is on our side, why should we fear any system, any person that's against us? So when things are shaking, And things look like they're worse before they get better. Don't fear it because these people can't overthrow God.

Psalm 56 and verse 9. Then my enemies turn back in the day that I cry out. This I know, for God is for me. When we cry out to God, our enemies will always turn back. Why? Because God's always with us. He's for us. Remember, because He doesn't leave us nor forsake us. So when we're crying out to God, when we see all these things, and we're saying, thank you, Father God, for delivering us and setting us free, and setting us, and making us stronger than our oppressors, and tearing down every single thing that our enemies are doing, we thank you, Father God, we know this, because you are with us.

And remember, in 1 John 4, 4, the greater One lives on the inside of us, and He that's in the world. He's always with us. That's how we know Guaranteed, our enemies are going to turn back because God's always with us. Isaiah 59, 18 and 19, and this is out of the Good News Translation. Isaiah 59, 18 and 19. He will punish his enemies according to what they have done.

This is like they're reaping what they're sowing, days of Haman. Even those who live in the distant lands, so it doesn't matter where they are, foreign or domestic, From east to west, everyone will fear Him and His great power. Everyone will, again, fear His great power because every knee must bow to that name of Jesus.

And it says, again, He will come like a rushing river, like a strong wind. He will come because that perfect storm, God is coming and he's going to put our enemies on the run. They're in total discord. They're in chaos. They're in confusion. They're in mayhem. They're turning on each other. They're in fear and panic because they don't know who's, who's leading and if their plans are going to work, but they're going to fight to the bitter end.

They're going to lose, but they're still going to fight. And then, um, let's go to, was that both? Yeah, both. Yeah. All right, let's go to Psalm 138 verse 7. I didn't know for sure if it was both of those verses, but yeah, he did put them both up there. Verse 7. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me.

People don't want to walk in trouble, but God's saying he doesn't always save us before trouble. He saves us in the midst of it. Look at Daniel. Daniel wasn't saved before the lion's den. He was saved in the midst. Look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They weren't saved before the fire. They were saved in it.

So God saves us in trouble. So if you are in trouble right now, remind yourself that God saves you in the midst of trouble and He will revive you. He'll restore to you what the enemy has been trying to do in the midst of that trouble. You will stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies and your right hand will save me.

That's guaranteed. God will save you. Exodus 8, 23. So when we know all the things are gonna happen, judgments are coming, things are gonna shake, remind yourselves of these scriptures. So, or Exodus 8, 23. And I will put a division. God is putting a division between us and the worldly people. A sign of deliverance between my people and your people.

By tomorrow shall this sign be in evidence. Amen. God made a great distinction between the Egyptians And the land of Goshen. God is doing it again. And I said, Lord, I say the scripture a lot. He says, remind them during the shaking when all these things are going to intensify, shut off. When things are going to be cut off and you don't understand what is going on, God is saying there's going to be a great distinction.

Exodus 9 and verse 1. Exodus 9 and verse 1. Then the Lord said to Moses, go to Pharaoh and tell him, thus says the Lord of the Hebrews, Let my people go. Why? Why does God want us to be released? That they may serve me. It's so important for you and I to understand and get that revelation. God wants us free to freely serve him.

Uh, Exodus 9 and verse 4.

But the Lord shall make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt, and nothing shall die that belongs to the Israelites. Remember what they're doing to our food? We can pray. Remember, their food, their livestock, their food supply in the land of Goshen was not touched. So no matter what they're doing to our food, food supply, we pray over it, it shall not be touched.

He's making a great distinction. Verse 6, and the Lord did that the next day, and the kinds of livestock of the Egypt died, but the livestock of the Israelites, not one died. So their food supply was not affected. So declare and decree today. I thank you Father God, my food supply is not affected by anything the enemies try to put in it.

I thank you that just like you protected Goshen, you're protecting us as well. Go to verse 24, Exodus 9, 24. So there was a hail, now this is talking about weather, So there was hail and fire and flashing continuously or continually in the midst of the weighty hail. Now that's not normal hail. It's weighty.

It weighed a ton, like, you know, I don't know if it was 100 pounds or if it was 80 pounds, I don't know. These hailstones were weighty. Such had not been in the land of Egypt since the beginning, became a nation. That means it was unprecedented weather events. We've seen unprecedented weather. Verse 26, Exodus 9, 26.

On the land of Goshen, where the Israelites were, there was no hail. Now, for the sake of time, it goes on. You can read in Exodus 10 and Exodus 11. There were similar things that happened. Of course, you saw with the darkness and the light in Exodus 10, there was no darkness in the land of Goshen. There was only light.

There was, God greatly distinguishes people. And of course, you know in Exodus 11, there was a great distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians because the angel of death passed by them. But the angel of death hit the Egyptians. So no matter what form of judgment, no matter what form of it shaking, or things being turned off, or things being abnormal, it didn't affect Goshen.

And this will not affect us either. We have to rely on the Word of God. Let's go back over this prophetic word. First paragraph. For I the Lord say, Your enemy's systems are failing. So the systems that were put in place against us, That are still being upheld right now. They're falling apart. When services Temporarily will go down.

So when you see the services temporarily, it's not not gonna last forever. It's not even gonna last very long I don't think but I'll get your attention when they do. My children, this is nothing to fear This is a sign your enemies will be no more in control So it may be uncomfortable, just like it was uncomfortable for the Egyptians when they saw all these things happen in Egypt.

Things were not normal for them. But as they saw this, they should have known. The empire was crumbling, and that system, the Egyptian empire, was totally being decimated. When things become silent, he's talking about the silence before, you can go back to our website and find the prophecies about the silence.

When things become silent, just know, I Am silencing your enemies, so we may not have lines of communication. With the internet, or phone, things like that. But he's saying, he's not silencing you. It's not the purpose to hurt you. It's to silence our enemies. That's what he's talking about. And people think that'snone of this is gonna happen because President Trump's back in office.

That's not what God said at all. He didn't say because President Trump's back in office now that nothing's gonna occur. He's been warning us even more now since he's right before he took office and still continually. It's not over yet, because the system is still there. He has to get rid of the system.

You have entered the days of things becoming more and more unprecedented. You will see unusual things happen with your internet. I've already started to notice certain things. But you're going to start noticing certain things with your internet and phone access. Whether it gets glitchy, it goes out for extended periods of time.

But God is telling us, things are not going to be normal with our phone and internet. Things will seem to be shaky and weird and no one can explain it of your services going in and out. They may try to explain it. They may say we don't know what's going on. You may call your service provider and they're gonna say we have no explanation.

It's because the good guys are getting the bad guys. God and his army is destroying the evil in their army. Next paragraph. This is a part of the shutting your enemy's lines of communication. So it's not even just shutting the lines of communication to us. We might be a little bit on, you know, uncomfortable with it.

But we should be celebrating because it's shutting them fully down. It's not going to shut us fully down. It's only temporary for us. It's permanent for them. I'm going to say it again. It's temporary for us, but it's permanent for them. And why is he doing it? To save you from their next moves. That's why he has to shut the phone services down and the internet because it's temporary, temporary for their next moves that they were going to use those things against us.

You will also hear more groundings of flights. That's been prophecy, uh, been prophesied and prophecy fulfilled. Many different times this has happened and God's saying it's gonna happen again. This is not to bring fear. Now, why is he had to ground flights? Now, they may say it's a computer glitch again.

They may say it's the weather. They may say blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But you're gonna know why it's happening. This is not to bring you fear, but to save you from what they had planned in your skies. Whether they're gonna use, you know, things to shoot a plane down, I don't know. But God is protecting people.

So even if it has to be inconvenient by shutting down or, you know, canceling your flights, know it's for your own good. Your enemy's capabilities. Now listen, listen to this. It was shocking when I even heard it. I never, I guess I never thought about it this way. This is what he's saying. Your enemy's cap, uh, capabilities to tap into And control airplanes, cars, phones, trains, computer systems, at will.

So at will, they can turn a plane off. At will, they can shut a phone off. At will, they can turn a car off. At will, they can stop a train. At will, they can get in and destroy a computer system. At will, oh I have all this IT and I have all this protection. No you don't. You don't think they're smart enough they can get past that firewall, they can get past that IT company?

They can. They can do things at will, and he says it's staggering. Most people are completely unaware of how much they really could take away from you in a split second. In a split second, your world can change because they tap into it, just like that can be gone. That's why there's gonna be, um, that cut off of lines of communication.

There has to be. That's why there's gonna be in and outs. So God is stopping this. from taking place. They had a plan to take out your power grid. He's talked to us about, about it before he's bringing it up again. They're going to try to mess with power grid. Look at the power grid in California. You can't tell me.

They could not have fixed that power grid. Why is there so many rolling blackouts in California all the time?

They're doing things on purpose. And they're making it seem normal, and it's not. They had planned to take out your power grid, but it was not in the way most people think. A whistleblower is coming to blow that plant into complete smithereens. So people think, you know, they were gonna do an EMP. People think that they could, he says, not the way people think.

I don't know how they were gonna take it out. But they had the capability of doing it. So why haven't they used it yet? Because it wasn't their time. Because they don't want to, they want to get all their things in place so it doesn't affect them. Remember, they don't want, they want to make you more comfortable and them to be out of the danger zone.

So they didn't have everything strategically placed, they wouldn't have done it yet because they weren't going to take a chance on hurting themselves. My children, most people like technology. Now he's telling you the technology, and a lot of people know, they use it against us. Most people like technology for the convenience.

But your enemies like it for control. So just know, we like it for convenience, they like it for control. That they've had over you. When disruptions occur, your enemies will lose the control. So once you start seeing all these disruptions, the enemies are losing control. They use technology. They once had.

So they're gonna start losing their control over the technology that they once had over us. I Am cutting them off and giving that to the ones I have chosen for this time to give you your freedoms back to you, says the Lord. So God is saying our technology isn't gonna go away. You know, we're not gonna always have no internet or no phone service.

No. He's saying he's going to disrupt it, it's going to go in and out, he's cutting their lines of communication off, removing them from power, and then he's giving it to the ones he's chosen to use it for good. Technology is supposed to be for good, but the enemies have twisted and used it for bad.

Microsoft is about to crash. I don't know how it's going to crash, but he said it's about to crash. Whether it be financially, or something's going to happen with their technology, their systems go down, whatever, I don't know. He's insane. He says it in a major way. Once their servers, um, your government used to control you with will completely be exposed.

So the servers that the government and Microsoft were using to control us with will be exposed. I told you this company had helped the establishment further their plans and destroying this nation in the world. I don't know how many times he's mentioned, um, Bill Gates and Microsoft. They, they've been helping the establishment a lot.

This is unimaginable to most people, the heinous crimes they have used on their servers. They have saved on their servers, excuse me. The heinous crimes they have saved on their servers. People say they wouldn't do that. Yes, they would. Why do they have these heinous crimes as proof on their servers? To blackmail one another.

To secure their safety and the safety of the establishment. They're not doing it because they, they, you know, they, um, want it to get out. They're doing it on secure servers so that they can blackmail one another so that they know no one's going to turn on them. And they're not going to destroy the establishment.

That's why they have all this crap on the, on the, on these servers. You don't want stuff to have on Biden and Obama and everybody else. It's staggering. They have it on each other. So when they need it, if somebody backstabs somebody else, they'll just use what's on that server and expose it. But God says he's exposing it all and they can't control that.

Microsoft has been a part of so much of global tyranny. It is truly unprecedented how this company and Bill Gates are being judged. So God is going to judge Microsoft and Uh, and people who are there, and Bill Gates. And it will totally be different moving forward. So, somebody else will take ownership, and it will be different.

So it will not be used for bad, it will be used for good. After changes are made to its infrastructure, and now this corporation, and the purpose of it, so, when somebody else takes control of it, kind of like how Elon Musk took control of Twitter, it was used, obviously the government was using it against us, and they were helping with election fraud and disinformation, they were saying.

And then Elon turned into something good. That's what he's saying. Microsoft was used for bad, and he's gonna bring somebody in and use it for good. And then those expose the real existence of why Microsoft, uh, was bad. Uh, initially made and why it was formed and what it was used for. My children, I told you the giants were coming down and this one is one of many, says the Lord.

So, he's now telling you one of the giants is Microsoft along with Bill Gates. Amazon, Disney will soon follow, including Google, Apple, and everyone a part of the reset. using their inventions to destroy you and further their agenda. They will all fall. So again, this is like Silicon Valley that guy's been talking about.

Majority of these companies, I'm almost positive. I did not look it up. Um, but I think most of these companies are in Silicon Valley and he said he was bringing disruption to those giants. Big banks will crumble to the ground and their system extinguished. The financial collapse they want to protect. Uh, they want to protect themselves with will bring them down and set so they were gonna cause a financial collapse And they're still gonna try to cause one.

I promise you they will they're gonna blame it on trump And it's not gonna work. But anyway, they're gonna try to cause a collapse to handicap him destroy this country That's part of their plan. But instead of it hurting us and this country and around people around the world it will Literally annihilate their financial system and then god will bring in another one.

They thought Their plan was foolproof You But it was not. Banks that enslaved you will be wiped out. So those big, huge, you know, too big, too big to fail. Banks will be wiped out. And so everything they had on you and all their mortgages and loans, the dirty deals they designed to set a trap. They were purposely, they allow people to have certain loans and mortgages and, you know, loans on cars, mortgages.

They knew these people were not going to be able to afford to pay it. They charged high interest rates and they knew it. They could do that in order to take it. And make more money off of them. It's a sick, disgusting system. They purposely have high interest rates, make you have all these payments that you cannot afford, then they make you make it appear like you could.

And that's why they approved of it, and then they take it away from you. And that's why there's a lot of foreclosures, people, bank, uh, you know, cars going back to banks, houses going back to banks, boats going back to banks, all this kind of stuff going back to banks. Why? Because they know. They purposely make this system the way it is.

He says the dirty deals they designed to set up a trap so you would ultimately lose, and they would gain everything they could from you. It's a disgusting system. He said the days of the banks running the show are over. The system is about to crash. Hold on, my children. This is not for your destruction, but for your freedom.

Out of that system for good. So that's the reason why the system is gonna go down. It's not to bring fear. It's not to bankrupt all of us. It's not to collapse our country. It is to collapse their tyranny and their Banking system that they had that they were ruling and reigning over us with he said the credit system will also be gone The credit system is a joke.

It's horrible and he said it'll be gone a new one will be put in place Something that is meant for your increase And not for your enslavement and bondage So that credit credit system will be abolished destroyed annihilated and then god's gonna bring something else in to to bring you increase You Hold on.

Giants are falling, shaking is intensifying, and great change is being made for your good says, says the Lord your Redeemer. So in this prophetic word, once again, all these things that are going to cause disruptions are not for your defeat. It's not for your destruction. It's not for your collapse. It's not for you.

That's why get yourself acquainted with the Great I Am and how awesome God was and what he did in the land of Goshen, what he did for his people, multiple different occasions when he saved them from the collapse, um, or saved them from a, you know, an evil ruling class trying to take them over. God doesn't fail.

He's not gonna fail us now. He didn't fail then. He's not gonna fail now. So when you see these disruptions, that is your clear indication that God is obviously on the throne. He's disrupting the enemy. He's causing chaos. He's cutting the lines of communication off and everything's about to change. Now I want to pray over each and every one of you.

Heavily follow right now in Jesus name. First of all, heavily follow, we thank you and we praise you Lord that you're giving us a heads up. That this is not going to take us off guard. This is not going to take us by surprise. That we will not get into fear, that we will not get into panic, we will not be moved, that we, we are not of this world, so we will not lose those things the world is gonna lose.

We thank you, Father God, when our system comes down, we thank you that we are part of the new one. We thank you, Father God, that every single thing that the enemy is doing against us, we thank you. That we celebrate, in Isaiah 54, 17, No weapon formed against us shall prosper. We declare it and decree it every day.

And remind ourselves that the enemy will never have their way father god. I thank you. I praise you that they are Becoming more strong that you are giving them more revelation knowledge insight and wisdom On what you are doing that they are steadfast that they will not be moved that they will not panic But father god that their hearts are fixed on you They have that firm found a focused foundation on you that heavenly father that they will not Go to the right or go to the left.

They're not going to look to anybody else But you And I thank you that they all have sound minds. They're the mind of Christ. I thank you that they are free from anything that enemy is trying to use to keep them in. I thank you, Father God, for health, divine health, healing, soundness, wholeness, and restoration.

And we thank you, Father God, for divine intervention, that you are standing in between us and our enemies. And you are destroying their plans as you are restoring everything that's been stolen. And we thank you that we get to see the great I Am in action. We thank you, Father God, we get to know the God who else should I, the God of nothing is impossible.

And we thank you, Father God, that we are in this world, but we are not of it. So we will not be moved. We will not grow in fear. Because you have not given us a spirit of fear, but a power of lovingness on mind. And we thank you for it in jesus name Amen, and amen. Well get help to encourage you today If you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgm international.

org Under our contact page or you can write us at Julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street Sweet 200 davenport, iowa 0 7. We do have a very powerful prayer team here I promise you we do read your emails. We do see those Live chats when you're putting your prayer requests in there.

We're seeing these things We do read those letters that you're sending in the mail We do read them. We pray over them. And so you are not alone. Everybody here at JGMI loves you. We are praying for you. And just know that God always wins. And God is not going to leave you. He's not going to forsake you. So I hope this encourages you today.

Um, and oh, also, if you do want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthrives. com. I hope this encouraged you today. Oh, and everything. I'm gonna end this, I promise, but everything is in this in the description box below. Everything you want is in the description box below. So all those, all those things, all those links that you need is there for you.

And so are the scriptures. So I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear a truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

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