Human Reset Timeline

22 days ago

The Dome and Outer Space projection
Chapter 18 Human Timeline

First Humanity of Hyperborea -Asgard
Start 14000 BC
Reset 12542BC
Cycle Length 1458 years

First Generation
Start 12542 BC
Reset: 11089 BC
Cycle Length: 1453 years

Second Generation
Start: 11089 BC
Reset: 9531 BC
Cycle Length: 1558 years

Third Generation
Start: 9531 BC
Reset: 8056 BC
Cycle Length: 1475 years

Fourth Generation
Start: 8056 BC
Reset: 6375 BC
Cycle Time 1681 years

Fifth Generation
Beginning: 6375 BC
Reset: 4742 BC
Cycle Time: 1633 years

Sixth Generation
Beginning: 4742 BC
Reset: 1728 AD
Cycle Time 6470 years

Seventh Generation: New Humanity
Today Beginning: 1728 AD
Current Status: 2024 AD
Cycle Time to date: 296 years.

Summary of the Resets:

Reset of the First Humanity of Hyperborea - Asgard (12542 BC).
Event: Colonization by the Custodians, destruction of the
advanced civilization.
Cycle Time: 1458 years

Reset of the First Generation (11089 BC)
Event: Increase of forbidden knowledge, beginning of external
Duration of the Cycle: 1453 years

Second Generation Reset (9531 BC)
Event: Contact with extraterrestrials, increase of critical thinking
Duration of the Cycle: 1558 years

Reset of the Third Generation (8056 BC)
Event: Rediscovery of the true nature of the Dome, rebellions.
Duration of the Cycle: 1475 years

Reset of the Fourth Generation (6375 BC)
Event: War, external intervention of Archons (Giant Beings).
Duration of the Cycle: 1681 years

Reset of the Fifth Generation (4742 BC)
Event: Internal conflicts, external alliances, increase of spiritual
Duration of the Cycle: 1633 years

Sixth Generation Reset: The Great Tartary (1728 AD)
Event: Great War against the Custodians and Anunnaki, intervention of the Anakim giants, creation of an advanced empire.
Cycle Time: 6470 years (Due to the conflict between Custodians
and Anunnaki the human colony was relegated from Custodial
control, passing into the hands of the Orion Greys temporarily) for
that reason many years of advancement were reached.

Seventh Generation: New Humanity Today
Beginning: 1728 AD
Current Status: 2024 AD
Duration of the Cycle to date: 296 years.

We can then infer that the average duration of overall human development was 1500 years but vary due to disruptive events forcing the Custodians to perform early resets (except for the exception during the Sixth Generation).
Each cycle has ended with a violent reset with the introduction of
new control measures.

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