Darachat: Gloom, Giggles, and Governing with @LibertarianG0th (Take Two)

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Join me on Darachat as I’m once again lucky enough to chat with the fabulous @LibertarianG0th, aka LibbyG! This will be her second appearance, and I’m pumped to dive into whatever we end up rambling about—conversations, tangents, gossip, you name it. Mark your calendars for 2/25/25 at 7 PM EST. She might revel in the shadowy goth vibe, but there’s no denying the spark in her soul. Catch you there!

If you enjoy this; please like, share, follow, any or all helps. Thank you!

(Intro & Outro done by Pogo. His channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@PogoMusic)

("Gotta Go Now" by Smuffy link to video here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEZPaCCuw_M&t=3s)

Where to find me (Dara):

Where to find LibertarianGoth:
TwitterX: https://twitter.com/LibertarianG0th
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@libertariangoth?_t=8kgbffOFNH9&_r=1
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@LibertarianGoth

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