Billy Meier UFO Contact Report 903

8 hours ago

Billy Meier UFO Contact Report 903 - About the BEING of Creation and its energy and power, plus its effect in all its 7 universes of 7 dimensions in the entire space of Creation; about the existence and life of all existence of fauna and flora, as well as about the behaviour of human beings and their way of life and conduct. According to the teachings of Nokodemion from the neighbouring universe and the teachings of Sfath, the wise teacher from the very distant Plejaren stars in the neighbouring universe; learned and reproduced by me in self-decision, self-reflection and in acceptance different perspectives and in an empathetic way, in accordance with one's own good social behaviour and for the purpose of teaching, counselling and giving advice regarding life issues and also the all-invigorating energy of creation, in terms of the work and the entire career in accordance with the teaching of Nokodemion.

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