The Hardest Part Of The Torah - MUSSAR Iggeret HaRAMBAN (14)

2 hours ago

In Rabbi Yaron Reuven's shiur on Iggeret HaRamban, he emphasizes the profound wisdom contained within Nachmanides' letter and its applicability to everyday life. Rabbi Reuven discusses the challenges of modern Jewish identity and spirituality, highlighting the importance of staying connected to one's heritage and the dangers of assimilation.

He stresses the value of humility, Torah study, and mitzvot in navigating these challenges. The shiur also delves into the role of personal behavior and character development in spiritual growth, underscoring the significance of learning and living according to Torah principles for a fulfilling Jewish life.

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There are plenty of places to find entertaining stories that sound great, but this group is about showing you Torah that can impact your life, hence the name Torah Lessons To Help Our Lives. If it's not impactful, then it won't fit in. I watch and read all that I personally post, so I promise to do my best to bring you only the best quality of Hashem's amazing Torah.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:39 The greatness of the Ramban
00:02:59 We are a confused generation disconnected from our roots (scary statistics of Jews who recently converted to Christianity)
00:11:35 What does it mean to do the will of G-d?
00:13:33 The Chazon Ish’s profound insight – doing good deeds is not enough. If you didn’t perfect your middot, it is worthless
00:20:04 How do you know if you are humble and don’t have anger?
00:21:14 Fulfilling the mitzvot and following the Torah is the only way to get back to Hashem
00:24:41 What the false prophet within you is telling you
00:28:08 Three stages of humility: thought, speech, and action
00:46:45 The tzadikim vs the rest of the population. Great story about Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky
00:50:41 Examples of arrogant things people do
00:55:50 How to become humble
00:58:23 If you don’t have shame, you will never have humility. Immodest people lost their sense of shame
01:12:08 The way you act towards other people, Hashem will act that way towards you
01:24:08 24 types of people whom you cannot help do teshuva (Rambam)
01:26:43 The way you act towards other people, Hashem will act that way towards you (continued)
01:28:19 Accept people’s apologies. Don’t take revenge (An unbelievable story about a great tzadik)
01:46:16 Great story that will guide you on how to remove hate towards your brother from your heart
01:58:07 Essential insights from the end of the Amidah on your purpose in life
01:59:05 How do I develop kosher shame?
02:00:58 How do I judge people who sin? What is the end of people who constantly rejected the truth despite the opportunities they received?
02:09:24 Fulfilling your desires is not better than Heaven. Ask what Hashem wants, not what you want
02:14:25 Kabbalah’s scary insight on sins. Should you read the New Testament?
02:18:31 Don’t think you can do the great things the Ba’al Shem Tov did. Gehinom according to the Ba’al Shem Tov and his Chasidim
02:24:31 Should you read the New Testament? (continued)
02:26:23 Information on how reincarnation works. Can your current actions improve the condition of your past?
02:29:51 Moshe Rabbeinu’s incarnations
02:33:20 Should I learn Kabbalah now?
02:42:16 Judaism’s view of Christianity, and Final message

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The Hardest Part Of The Torah - MUSSAR Iggeret HaRAMBAN (14)

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