Emergency Broadcast #21: The mpox and covid injections and the connection to the Cloud

3 days ago

*Please note that this video was recorded in September 2024*. In this video, I look at the case of the monkeypox vaccine that will be rolled out very soon. I present video excerpts of Karen Kingston, doctor Rima Laibow and Jane Ruby who have exposed it as very dangerous. In the second half, I present a longitudinal study conducted by doctor Young Mi Lee and Daniel Broudy on the covid injections. The study shows that the covid injections contain synthetic material that self-assemble and grow in size with time (at least two years). Finally, I explore the subject of the connection of the human body to the Cloud and artificial intelligence with video excerpts of authors David Icke and Alfred Lambremont Webre. In closing, I recall the words of German author Rudolf Steiner who saw, a hundred years ago that, one day, a vaccine would be introduced to humans to cut their connection to higher levels of consciousness.

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