When's USA going to take responsibility for its proxy war?

4 hours ago

When's USA going to take responsibility for its proxy war?
history lesson
1. 2014 maidan coup that replaced a Ukrainian government  with a soros Samantha  government 
2. Quickly  changed the rules  no Russian  language spoken   drove out the  Ukrainian  Russians from kiev to the donbass
3. The western backed Ukraine government  when on a full force assault on donbass  14000 citizens  died
The results were a claim first for independence  and later a plead for Russian  assistance
4. Twice an agreement for peace
The Minsk agreement 
And after the war started in April
Russia sat down with Ukraine  in Turkey
To settle the conflict
Until Boris Johnson  told Ukraine  No deal.. note. Merkel  said the Minsk agreement  was in bad faith just to stall time to build the Ukrainian army..
The siege continues on donbass.
5. Russia  continues for 8 years
To peacefully  try to settle  the donbass
Region  for peace.
6. Donbass elects to be part of Russia 
7. Provocation completed  Russia military  stop the seige..
8. USA Steals 300 billion of Russian 
Bank assets...
9. USA  extorts from the US treasury 100's+ billions
To feed the military industrial complex
Till now.

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