Final Fantasy VIII Remastered Episode 27 The King of Games

4 hours ago

Welcome to episode 27 of the Final Fantasy VIII Remastered playthrough, The King of Games. Feel free to smash the like button, comment, repost, and follow if you feel so inclined.

After Squall and Irvine got some, following their dates with Rinoa and Selphie respectively, and with Balamb Garden acting as our ship, the world is our oyster. In this episode, we defeat the last two remaining members of Balamb's Triple Triad Club, and finally begin to travel the world, wherever we want, whenever we want, mostly. The first stop is to pick up a familiar face to the Final Fantasy franchise, and set up another encounter for next episode.

I will be defeating 19 Tonberrys, saving the 20th one for the next episode.

The title of this episode is taken from the Yugioh series. Throughout the first generation of Yugioh, main protagonist Yugi, duels in a card game called Duel Monsters, defeating many opponents, modern, ancient, and digital, to eventually earn the moniker, The King of Games.

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