The Oracles Sunday February 24 2025 update

3 days ago

Zoom 7 PM Alberta time daily

The de-facto system are Masquerading as a government ,

The Secret Life of Canada - You do Not Want to Miss This (Share

The Great Canadian Illusion

The Secret Life of Canada - You do Not Want to Miss This (Share

Constitution of The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty)

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Why are there so many distractions out there? They are created to serve its purpose — to distract you. But most of the people who brought all the distractions to you are blind to it themselves. The general public is happy to feed one another distractions and be distracted themselves.

Why are there so many distractions out there?

They are created to serve its purpose — to distract you.

But most of the people who brought all the distractions to you are blind to it themselves. The general public is happy to feed one another distractions and be distracted themselves.

The result is a huge number of people living in oblivion.

Allow me to use a simple analogy to illustrate the effect of distractions:

In my neighbourhood there is a canal teeming with fishes. On normal days when the water in the canal is relatively clear, the fishes are super alert - I will just need to turn my head slightly in their direction without moving my body and they’d disappear from the water surface in nanoseconds. Then one day someone threw an open carton of milk into the water and caused the water surface to be slightly murky but the fishes were still visible. Yet, when I paced up and down and popped my head right above the fishes, they were nonchalant.

Modern people, including those who brought to you the distractions, are just like the fishes living in the milk-contaminated water - all the world’s distractions act as layers of veil over them and their otherwise keen senses are dulled because they have been desensitised by various external stimuli - they can no longer perceive accurately. Danger is lurking out there yet they are happily immersed in a SEA OF IRRELEVANCE that the world has served up to them.

But I disagree with you that these distractions are hard to avoid.

It is just a matter of recognising what truly matters.

You recognising that these distractions are negative rather than positive, and that it is necessary to eliminate them from your life is the first step.

Next, you need to learn to be comfortable with being different from your peers and the world, and resist the pressure to fit in.

In time to come, you’d realise that instead of lacking or missing out on anything (tons of distractions), you have gained much more (focus and clarity) and that will give you the security you need to not be conformed to the world

Zoom 7 PM Alberta time daily

The de-facto system are Masquerading as a government ,

The Secret Life of Canada - You do Not Want to Miss This (Share

The Great Canadian Illusion

The Secret Life of Canada - You do Not Want to Miss This (Share

Constitution of The Sovereign Republic of (Liberty)

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How can a nation be formed?
Basically, if a group of people has a shared sense of nationalism, they form a “nation.” The idea of nationalism believes that once a group has defined itself as a nation they have a “natural right” to territory necessary to live in and govern in.

Today marks a monumental moment in history as we, the Sovereigns of the Sovereign Nation of Carrot Creek, proudly declare our **independence** and **sovereignty** from all external control.

We affirm our **Unalienable rights** to self-determination, freedom, and peace under the guidance of **Natural Law**. Our nation is built on the principles of liberty, justice, and equality for all.

We also acknowledge and humbly apologize for any **unintentional participation** in social contracts or obligations that may have inadvertently bound us.

We have come to realize that our inherent sovereignty was never to be compromised, and we now seek to honor and fulfill our true path in alignment with Natural Law.

The Sovereign Nation of Carrot Creek will remain **independent, neutral**, and **respectful** of the sovereignty of others, while striving to contribute to the global community through **peaceful diplomacy** and mutual cooperation.

We call on the world to recognize our right to exist as a sovereign entity, free from external rule, and to join us in promoting **human dignity** and the **unalienable rights** of all people.

Together, we will shape a future rooted in **self-determination**, **justice**, and **individual freedom**.

We are proud to announce that the **Sovereign Nation of Carrot Creek ** is now a reality.


This version apologizes for any past involuntary participation in existing social contracts, clarifying your commitment to your own sovereignty moving forward. It helps convey humility while asserting the independence of your nation.

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