McConnell To Democrats -Presidential Harassment Won't Work Like You Think

6 years ago

In all fairness, I think that McConnell was basically saying go ahead and harass Pres. Trump at your own peril. I remember back in the late 90s when the Democrats went after Pres. Bill Clinton with impeachment.

As a matter of fact, I blame the current divide between Democrats and Republicans on that starting point. Republicans wanted to go after Bill Clinton with reckless abandon and try to impeach him which tour the country in half.  Democrat voters thought that the Republicans were using a heavy hand to try to embarrass Clinton and Republican voters thought that Democrats didn't have any morals and was trying to defend a president who had lied under oath.

This hardened anger manifested itself in the 2000 election when it came down to Republicans winning the presidency because of hanging chads in Florida after a trip to the Supreme Court. But one thing we know for sure, Republicans reached and the nation suffered.

Mitch was speaking to that when he warned Democrats on Wednesday morning.

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