Getting after it today!

6 hours ago

In Morning PT (Physical Training), Sgt. T.J. strives to shed fifteen years of neglect with his morning workouts (Mondays-Cardio, Tuesdays-Core/Abs, Wednesday-Upper Body, and Fridays-Leg Day). These videos document my journey to healthier living. I invite you to join me and encourage your comments and opinions.
When not working out, I'm writing and narrating my adventure books.
Welcome to a place where history and storytelling merge. The “Adventures of William Bruce,” chronicles my 7th-great-grandfather, William's life during the colonial era of the 1700s. My books are heartwarming and inspiring stories, reminiscent of the Patriot, 1883, and Outlander. So, grab a comfy chair, as I beguile you with William's enchanting story, my endearing characters, and amusing voices.

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