Why Do We Hold Tight to Idols?

11 days ago

Summary - What we often find in our lives is that empty pursuits often replace true purpose. We can look at the activities we do, what we spend our time, attention, and money on, and ask a simple question. “What am I gaining from this?” The truth about idols, from all types of shapes and sizes they can come in, is that they are misplaced priorities that lead to disillusionment. But there is a reason we hold so tightly to them. They are things that are created from our own hands. The sad face is that they will never fulfill us in the end. Our true fulfillment comes from a relationship with our Heavenly Father, God Almighty, through His Son, Jesus Christ. A relationship, not a thing.

This passage contrasts the distinct distractions of the monetary value of things made from our hands with the lasting value and meaning of an eternal, everlasting, spiritual relationship with God. He does what He pleases, and it was His good pleasure to make you and me. It is an illusion that we make for ourselves to think we could ever create anything that would replace God and Christ. Recognize that our value will never be higher until we release what we believe will make us important and grab the Hand that is of ultimate importance. The hand of God and Christ. God Bless You!

Music - Harmony’s Cascade / FurkanMs

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