Germany had the choice . Preliminary result of the 2025 Bundestag*

13 days ago

02/24/2025, Germany, Results, Outlook with review, Early election campaign, 01/31/2025,
After months of public discussions about a possible party ban procedure against the AfD, the Bundestag dealt for the first time on January 30, 2025 with two group applications aimed at having the AfD declared unconstitutional by the Federal Constitutional Court.
*Preliminary result of the 2025 federal election has been determined
WIESBADEN – On February 24, 2025 at 4:10 a.m., the Federal Returning Officer announced the preliminary result of the election for the 21st German Bundestag on February 23, 2025.

With a voter turnout of 82.5 percent (2021: 76.4 percent), the

Party Second vote share
2025 federal election 2021 federal election
CDU 22.6% 19.0%
AfD 20.8% 10.4%
SPD 16.4% 25.7%
GREENS 11.6% 14.7%
The Left 8.8% 4.9%
CSU 6.0% 5.2%
FDP 4.3% 11.4%
SSW 0.2% 0.1%
Others 9.4% 8.6%
including: BSW 4.97% –
received all valid second votes. The shares are rounded to one decimal place, except when approaching the 5 percent limit. The proportion of invalid second votes is 0.6% (2021: 0.9%), the proportion of invalid first votes is 0.9% (2021: 1.0%).

The South Schleswig Voters' Association (SSW) is participating in the allocation of seats for the 21st German Bundestag as a party of national minorities within the meaning of the Federal Election Act. According to Section 4 Paragraph 2 Sentence 3 of the Federal Election Act, the 5 percent clause does not apply to the SSW. The Sahra Wagenknecht - Reason and Justice Alliance (BSW) will not enter the German Bundestag because it did not receive 5% of all valid second votes and did not achieve the first vote majority in three constituencies.

According to Section 1 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 of the Federal Election Act, the Bundestag consists of 630 members.

According to the preliminary official election results, the following parties will be represented in the 21st German Bundestag with the following number of seats:

Party Seats according to seat calculation
2025 Federal election 2021 Federal election
total including constituency seats total including constituency seats
CDU 164 128 152 98
AfD 152 42 83 16
SPD 120 44 206 121
GREENS 85 12 118 16
The Left 64 6 39 3
CSU 44 44 45 45
FDP – – 91 –
SSW 1 – 1 –
23 candidates received the most first votes in the constituencies, but their seats are not covered by the second vote share of their parties in the respective federal state. The constituencies affected can be found in the appendix.

The provisional results of the 2025 federal election for the federal government, the states and the individual constituencies as well as the provisionally elected candidates in the constituencies and in the states with the number of state list seats won by each party can be accessed on the Federal Returning Officer's website.

The Federal Electoral Committee is expected to determine and announce the final official result of the 2025 federal election on March 14, 2025 in a public session in the German Bundestag in Berlin.

Further information from the Federal Returning Officer can be found on the Internet at
Musical part from the Holy Mass on the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time from the Brno Cathedral on Petrov /Hudební část ze mše svaté při 27. neděli v mezidobí z brněnské katedrály na Petrově
Speaker BT film excerpt from Thursday, January 30, 2025

Marco Wanderwitz (born 10 October 1975 in Karl-Marx-Stadt, East Germany) is a German politician and member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). He has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2002 and was Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy and Federal Government Commissioner for the New Federal States from 2020 to 2021 and before that Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community from 2018 to 2020.
Marco Wanderwitz does not want to run again in the new election of the Bundestag. He had to protect himself and his family, the CDU politician justified the step.
November 19, 2024 "Zeit"
The Saxon CDU member of the Bundestag Marco Wanderwitz will not run again in the new election of the Bundestag in February. In an interview with the Chemnitzer Freie Presse, the 49-year-old justified this with increasing hostility against his person. "I have to protect my family and myself physically and mentally," said the CDU politician.

"The attacks of the brutal screamers have become more and more violent. As a civil society, we have not managed to support the members of parliament," complained Wanderwitz. Hatred and threats have been part of the political climate since the AfD moved into parliament.

Initiator of signature collection for AfD ban proceedings
Wanderwitz had been a member of parliament since 2002. In the last legislative period, he was temporarily the Federal Government's Commissioner for Eastern Europe. Wanderwitz was most recently one of the initiators of an initiative for an AfD ban procedure. The group collected more than 100 signatures from various parliamentary groups and submitted them to the Bundestag Presidium last week. In the 2021 Bundestag election, Wanderwitz lost his constituency of Chemnitzer Umland – Erzgebirgskreis II to the AfD candidate Mike Moncsek, but entered the Bundestag via the state list.

"I'll be 50 next year. This is a good time when I can start something new in a self-determined way. I'm looking forward to that," lawyer Wanderwitz told the newspaper. What he plans to do after his departure from politics, however, he does not want to talk about, that is now a private matter.
Carmen Wegge (born 24 September 1989 in Hattingen) is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party (SPD). She is a member of the German Bundestag.Wegge is attributed to the left wing of the SPD. She is particularly committed to women's equality, the legalization of cannabis and the fight against right-wing extremism.
news: @CarmenWegge on X, 24.02.2025
"I am a member of the 21st German Bundestag"
Renate Elly Künast (born 15 December 1955 in Recklinghausen) is a German politician (Alliance 90/The Greens). She has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2002. Künast was Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection from 2001 to 2005 and chairwoman of her party's parliamentary group in the Bundestag from 2005 to 2013. From 2014 to January 2018, she was chairwoman of the Bundestag's Committee on Legal Affairs. Renate Künast is currently head (spokesperson) of the working group on food and agriculture of her parliamentary group in the Bundestag.
February 11, 2025 | ""
"Green politician Renate Künast is one of the members of the Bundestag who have been in parliament for more than 20 years. On Tuesday it's over. A farewell in installments. She wants to stay on some issues anyway. Like no other politician, Künast has fought against insults and disinformation on social networks and sued Facebook all the way to the Federal Constitutional Court. She sees the power of Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, the algorithm and possible manipulation as a major threat to democracy. A threat for which politics is still too poorly prepared. Social media, says Künast, has long since ceased to be the place "where people with flat hierarchies are connected to one another, but rather it is a place of disinformation and hatred." The Internet is being abused, and all three branches of government and the media are encircled. "We may not all be sufficiently positioned together." No one can solve the problem alone; it requires "an effort from society as a whole."
Peter Christian Pascal Boehringer (born 6 April 1969 in Schwäbisch Gmünd) is a German author and right-wing populist politician (AfD) who has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2017. He has also been deputy spokesman on the AfD's federal executive board since June 2022. From 2018 to 2021, he was chairman of the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag.
Stephan Günther Brandner, Brandner ist langjähriges Mitglied des Vereins für Deutsche Sprache. Vor 1990 engagierte er sich in der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte. Fast 30 Jahre lang war er Mitglied und Altherr der katholischen Studentenverbindung KStV Agilolfia Regensburg im Kartellverband Katholischer Deutscher Studentenverbindungen und wurde im Januar 2020 aus dieser ausgeschlossen. Laut Agilolfia handelt es sich um den ersten Ausschluss eines Mitglieds in der Geschichte der Verbindung. Brandner war bis zu seinem Austritt aus der Kirche im Jahr 2023 römisch-katholisch. [6] Von 2003 bis 2015 war er Mitglied im Vorstand der Rechtsanwaltskammer Thüringen.
Brandner ist verheiratet und Vater mehrerer Kinder. Er lebt in Gera.
Als Jugendlicher wurde Brandner Mitglied der Jungen Union (JU), später der Christlich Demokratischen Union Deutschlands (CDU). Während seines Studiums und seiner Weiterbildung in Bayern (Regensburg, Memmingen, München) war er Mitglied der Christlich Sozialen Union (CSU), nach seinem Umzug nach Thüringen 1997 erneut der CDU. Aus der CDU trat er später wieder aus. Seit November 2013 ist Brandner Mitglied der Alternative für Deutschland, die im April desselben Jahres gegründet wurde.

„Die staatlich finanzierten Bischöfe sind mit ihren eigenen widerlichen Skandalen konfrontiert und haben nun wirklich die Chuzpe, sich in den politischen Kampf gegen die einzige Opposition zu stürzen. Das ist an Dreistigkeit, Narzissmus und Transparenz kaum zu überbieten.“ Die Kirchenfürsten sollten sich daran erinnern, wofür die katholische Kirche seit rund zweitausend Jahren steht. „Und das war sicher nicht das Mit Füßen treten von biederen, unbequemen Bürgern.“SB
Jessica Tatti was born on April 22, 1981 in Marbach am Neckar to Sardinian parents and grew up in the Heilbronn district.
She studied social work at the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigsburg and worked in the corresponding field after completing her bachelor's degree: in 2010 she moved to Reutlingen and initially worked there in municipal youth work; before her Bundestag mandate, she most recently worked in social services in refugee care. In 2010 she joined the Left Party. In October 2023, with the launch of the BSW - For Reason and Justice association, Tatti left the Left Party along with nine other members of the Bundestag. In January 2024 she became a member of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) party, which was built on the association.
Since its recognition on February 2, 2024, she has been a member of the BSW group and is its parliamentary manager.
>1<Thomas Seitz (* October 8, 1967 in Ettenheim) is a German lawyer and politician (independent, previously AfD). He has been a member of the German Bundestag since October 2017. From the beginning of the 20th legislative period until his departure from the AfD in March 2024, he was the legal policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag. His previous civil servant status as a public prosecutor was revoked in 2021 in the second instance, among other things because of statements that were considered racist, which he did not want to take further action against. In 2023, as in 2017, he was elected to the AfD convention for two years as a representative of his regional association.
With effect from March 31, 2024, Seitz left the AfD and the AfD parliamentary group. He explicitly justifies this not with a shift to the right of the party, but with a system of cronyism, which according to Seitz became apparent at the AfD state party conference in Baden-Württemberg on February 24/25, 2024. From the beginning of the 20th legislative period until his departure from the AfD in March 2024, he was the legal policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag.
via Google Search and (be careful!) Wikipedia
>2<Thomas Seitz
Lawyer, 2017-2025 Member of the Bundestag for the Emmendingen-Lahr constituency, 2019-2024 District Councilor in the Ortenau district via

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