This make-up artist transformed herself into Gollum and the results are incredible!

6 years ago

Gollum bodypainting illusion
Body painting art has an extremely rich history. For example, face painting (a part of body painting art) has its origins in prehistoric art and culture. In ancient ages, tribes and their members used to paint the body with clay and other natural pigments and this practice is still alive.
Before hundreds set a world record for “Most Bodies Painted” and Kate Upton donned body paint for Sports Illustrated, artists painted on human forms just as they would any other medium. Body painting, an ancient art form that has been modernized, is celebrated around the world. Every year, amateur and seasoned artists gather for body painting competitions and large-scale festivals to celebrate the art form and showcase new techniques. But body painting is not limited to the art industry. The craft has been used by a variety of groups, from protesters to sport fans.
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