Victoria NULAND and Jeff Pyatt PHONE CALL

13 days ago

Lest we forget, the US State Dept under Barry Obomber provoked Russia in Feb 2014.

FIRST by paying 5 billion through the National Endowment for Democracy, to foment a COUP ousting the elected Ukrainian Pres Victor Yanukovych and installing the current gov there.
That nation is filled with actual NAZIS, the Right Sector and the Azov battalion to name a few.

The people there pay homage to Stepan Bandera, a NAZI decorated by the 3rd Reich, who personally oversaw the extermination of 100,000 Jews, and political dissidents in Poland.
Kiev even named its main thoroughfare after him.

Their military began shelling the ethnic Russians in their far eastern regions.
Killed 14000 of them before Putin decided to stop it.


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