S03 E27 - The Witch in the mountains, is the one coming after me!!

5 days ago

This past Saturday night, I saw the Yellowish-White Light from the Holy Spirit. It did show some symbols or numbers, but it was showing so fast, I really couldn't make out what is said. I decided to connect to the Other-Side and see who might be after me. I saw a man, leaning over some rocks, or possibly a ledge looking down at me. Then I saw him again, but he was in a mountain range. That reminded me of the "Witch" I saw last June or July last year. Either this Evil Spirit, is working under the Witch, or has more power than the Witch. But at least I know who is trying to attack me.

Then last night, I saw again the Holy Spirit White Light. It was looking rather milky in how it showed. Never saw that before, but it didn't show symbols or numbers this time. But at least, I know who is coming after me.

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