What’s the Point of Hustle If You Have No One to Share It With? | Ecclesiastes 4:7-8

12 days ago

Imagine having everything—wealth, success, a list of accomplishments. But when the work stops and the noise fades, there’s no one. No family to share it with. No close friend to lean on. Just an empty house and a bank account that can’t fill the void.

Welcome to The Daily, where we engage with God’s Word—verse by verse, chapter by chapter, every single day.

Our text today is Ecclesiastes 4:7-8.

Again, I saw vanity under the sun: one person who has no other, either son or brother, yet there is no end to all his toil, and his eyes are never satisfied with riches, so that he never asks, “For whom am I toiling and depriving myself of pleasure?” This also is vanity and an unhappy business. — Ecclesiastes 4:7-8

He works. He earns. He hustles. But for what? No son. No brother. No one to share it with. Just an endless cycle of toil—no purpose, no joy, no end. Solomon calls it what it is: a miserable way to live.

The problem isn’t work. Work is good. But when it owns you—when it pulls you away from people and God—you don’t just lose time. You lose meaning. The person in this verse isn’t just alone in life; they’re alone in purpose. Buried in busyness. Blind to what truly matters.

Sound familiar? We chase success, thinking it will satisfy. But in the process, we drift—away from family, away from friendships, away from God. We tell ourselves we’re “too busy” to connect, too busy to pray, too busy to be present. Then one day, we look up and realize—our work has given us everything except what we truly need.

God wired us for relationships. With Him. With others. When we let work isolate us, we cut ourselves off from the very things that bring life. True fulfillment isn’t found in the grind—it’s found in God and the people He’s placed around us.

#FaithOverWork, #TrueSuccess, #BiblicalWisdom

What are you sacrificing in your pursuit of success?
Who in your life have you unintentionally drifted away from?
How can you reprioritize relationships over work this week?
What steps can you take to ensure your work doesn’t define your purpose?
Pause today and reach out to someone you’ve been neglecting—whether it’s a family member, a friend, or God in prayer.

Lord, remind me that work is a tool, not my identity. Help me to value relationships over achievements and to find fulfillment in You. Amen.


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