Do Not Remain Silent at this Time - Dylan Oakley, 23 Feb 2025

5 hours ago

This message will encourage you to boldly speak truth and dispel the lies and deception around you. There is a high price to pay for remaining silent in the face of great evil. Courage is required.

In this message I call out the LGBT propaganda and queer theory being pushed in our schools and explain why we need a parliamentary inquiry to shine light on what is happening in our schools, WITHOUT PARENTS' KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL.

I recount my recent lobbying in Queensland Parliament and the submission I presented to MPs from the ALP, LNP, and KAP. I share photos and evidence of blatant LGBT activism that is rife in schools and the focus areas I have recommended for a parliamentary inquiry.

The church (and the pulpit) has a responsibility to speak into areas of injustice, to push back darkness, and to rebuke oppressors.

Around the world, there is increasing pushback against the destructive woke agenda and queer ideology and the LORD is laying help on those who will stand in the gap for our children.

This is a confronting message that I pray will jolt many out of complacency and apathy. Our children need us to speak up at this time.

"The LORD saw that there was no one, He was APPALLED that there was no one to intervene..." Isa 59:16

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Park Ridge QLD,
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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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