Republican Operatives SHOCKED At New Voting App By Democrats

6 years ago

“It just blew my mind when I saw it,” said a top Republican adviser of the phone app called VoteWithMe.

“This is the most ingenious and devious thing the Democrats have come up with and I bet you’ll be writing about it as the key to any victory if they win,” said another former party official. 

The phone application, available for free in Apple’s app store, was developed to “flip the House,” according to its website.

Those who download it turn over their contacts who are then linked with voting records, key races in their districts and contact information.

What users then see is the voting history of their contacts, their polling places, and if there is a key election in their district. It also shows their party registration, which one user said can be surprising.

What’s more, individual or all contacts can be sent a message to get out to vote today, a powerful influencer and much more than a visit by a party official to a residence, according to one of the concerned Republicans.

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