Sensory Pop Tube Activity for Individuals with Autism

6 years ago

A large detergent bottle has a "Sensory Pop Tube" attached to one opening to push/pull rings down. Use shower rings or cut plastic bottles into donut shapes. These are not only free, but also vibrant and won’t break easily.

Curly strips are inserted into the other opening. This video demonstrates how to make them:

Cut a secret opening on the bottom of the bottle to remove the curly strips.

This activity develops the visual perceptual skills to choose whether the plastic pieces either need to be pushed down the tube or inserted into the opening.

While developing eye hand coordination, the child or adult with autism or other types of developmental delays will enjoy using force on these materials and the sound of the rings going down the pop tube. Using force stimulates the muscles, joints and tendons helping individuals with sensory processing disorders develop body awareness and motor coordination.

Increase the motor planning challenge by twisting the pop tube to bend in different directions!

Learn more about activity adaptations on my website and blog:

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