Susan Rice Seeks Out Obama WH Bud Jen Psaki To Lament The 'Dismantling Of The US Federal Government'

5 hours ago

Posted • February 24, 2025: President Donald Trump’s purging of entrenched federal government workers has Obamaworld alum, Susan Rice, hitting cable ‘news’ shows to fret and complain. Rice met up with former Obama White House bud, Jen Psaki, to freak out over Elon Musk telling federal workers to fill out a simple job questionnaire. Oh, no! -- A strong indicator of the effectiveness of Trump/Elon’s efforts is the level of screeching from those who believed their grip on permanent power would never truly be challenged. The Obama cabal is in shambles as they watch permanent DC be deconstructed, brick by brick — and accountability be instituted. “They’re literally dismantling the federal government!" -- Here’s a pic of Rice and Psaki when President Donald Trump came into the White House in his first term. The Obamaworlders still think they’re in charge. Wrong!

It would be nice to see a dollar amount above each one of the people pictured heads of how much money they’ve earned off of the government teet, and as a result of them having worked in government. I can identify at least two that are very wealthy from government. -- The ability for them to put up an effective fight against Trump is gone. That’s why all these Democrats are moaning and panicking. The presidency was supposed to be a figurehead position, as permanent DC carried on with the real power indefinitely. They’re in shock. They owned that town and now they don’t. They’re powerless to stop it. The unelected bureaucracy was supposed to run and control everything and now Trump’s obliterating huge sections of it and ending the Democrats’ cash flow they need to survive. Good news for us. Bad news for them. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Susan Rice Seeks Out Obama WH Bud Jen Psaki to Lament the ‘Dismantling of the U.S. Federal Government’

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