Cuban Fizzle Crisis: Shark Tank Star And Rachel Maddow Look-Alike Nixes Presidential Run In 2028

6 hours ago

Posted • February 23, 2025: I’ve been living for this moment. Ok, not really. Mark Cuban, of Shark Tank and Dallas Mavericks fame, has officially joined the ranks of hundreds of millions of other Americans who are not running for president in 2028. Well, darn! Mark Cuban says he’s not running for president in 2028. Tens of people (including me) thought he was using his cringey ‘Principles First Summit’ to test the presidential waters. Apparently, he stuck his toe in and screamed, ‘Too cold!’ -- People that lie for a living leading a summit called Principles First. 😂 —— It’s probably smart to not blow billions on a failed presidential campaign as a Democrat candidate right now. I have to agree with posters who say the Dems are going to be checked out for a while. Some commenters were horrified of Cuban and his studious, Rhodes scholar, lesbian aesthetic being in the White House.

Cuban wouldn’t have stood a chance but we can still dream of Rachel Maddow being the official decoy of President Mark Cuban. The resemblance is uncanny. See if you agree. —— The Kamala Harris campaign told Rachel Maddow Wannabe Mark Cuban to shut the f*ck up and stop doing interviews for them. 😂 —— Temu Maddow knows he’d lose bigly. In the lead-up to the the 2024 presidential election, Cuban was ranting on X daily proving extreme wealth doesn’t equate to intelligence. That said, Cuban is smart enough to know his soy-riddled persona would be no match for presumed Republican presidential nominee, JD Vance. —— He would be the perfect beta male to run for the Democrat party. We’d love to see him get steamrolled by JD Vance live on the debate stage! “Would be a waste of time” —— 5 people are sad somewhere. Don’t fret, Cuban has years of embarrassment ahead of him. Alas, it won’t be as a Democrat Party presidential nominee in 2028. Still, there's always 2032.

Politico: Mark Cuban says he’s not running for president in 2028

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