2017 Utah Muzzleloader Mule Deer Hunt

6 days ago

Utah has an awesome program called the "Trial Hunter Program". After completing the trial hunter course, that person can hunt for a couple years without having to do their hunters ed. This is a way to introduce hunting to people who maybe didn't grow up hunting and want to learn more about it without fully committing.
Ashlie wasn't raised hunting, but after killing her first coyote and after we got married she wanted to try and kill a buck. Without having her hunters ed she chose to do the trial hunters program which was a perfect opportunity for her. Her first time applying she drew out on a Utah muzzle loader tag. It was the craziest hunt we have ever been a part of. It started with loading the muzzle loader at the trail head and breaking the ram rod. We got it loaded with a cleaning rod and began our 6 mile hike knowing we only had one shot. It was a lot of work, but when the day was over it was completely worth it.

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