Intro to Nuclear Physics, Strong Force, Fusion Vs Fission Reaction - Physics

13 days ago

This video provides an introduction to nuclear physics, including the structure of atoms, isotopes and nuclides, atomic mass units, determining the number of nucleons, how the nuclear strong force works and its strength vs the other fundamental forces (basic particle physics), building blocks of nucleons (quarks), conservation of nuclear number in a nuclear reaction, nuclear binding energy, mass-energy equivalence and the mass defect, nuclear fusion reaction in the sun, nuclear fission of uranium, nuclear chain reaction and enrichment, radioactive decay, and worked examples.

0:00 Atoms, isotopes and nuclides
4:32 Nuclear strong force
8:47 Conservation of nucleon number
11:52 Nuclear binding energy
20:08 Nuclear fusion
23:59 Nuclear fission
28:28 Radioactive decay
33:22 Worked examples

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