HumanitZ 0.916.B Update - New Camera Controls, Combat Tweaks, I find a Dog!

12 hours ago

In this HumanitZ 0.916.B update playthrough, we dive into testing new mechanics, especially the new camera settings and melee interactions. We encounter exciting new features like frying pan weapon, Tent, Red Berries, and a sleeping bag! Along the way, we clear helicopter crash sites, defend our base, and explore a new gun store. Plus, we discuss gameplay improvements. Stick around as we get attacked during the outro! Feel free to Like, Follow, and Subscribe. Thanks for watching.

00:00:00 - HumanitZ - 0.916.B Update
00:04:57 - Explaining what we are doing today during testing
00:05:50 - Camera Changes Part 1
00:06:25 - Backpack bug
00:07:34 - Scroll wheel reversed?
00:09:08 - Can use items in Inventory while driving.
00:11:27 - Mele interactions low strike
00:12:06 - Request: Blood Toggle Button?
00:14:10 - Camera Changes Part 2
00:16:18 - Camera Changes Part 3
00:18:25 - Mele interaction Low hit 2
00:21:44 - Lockpicking - Oddlysatisfying
00:23:40 - New Items Frying Pan Red Berries
00:26:16 - Suggestion: Backpack Weight limit reduction
00:27:35 - Camera Changes Part 4
00:30:22 - Its so Dark! great work.
00:31:52 - Camera Changes Part 5 - Flashlights/Settings
00:39:11 - Trading NPCs
00:42:39 - We clear a Helicopter crash site.
00:46:34 - Zeek Moose
00:49:17 - NPC mini base
00:50:47 - Clearing another downed Helicopter - NPC Fights
00:55:34 - We Find a Dog Companion!
01:05:21 - Clear Gas station with Dog
01:09:53 - Camera Changes Part 6
01:14:57 - Lockpick - Oddlysatisfying New item - Sleeping bag
01:23:45 - Loseabargo - We switch vehicles.
01:36:12 - New Gun Store
01:44:53 - Recap of our Playthrough before Stretching Break.
01:48:19 - We fix our camera lol.
01:51:58 - Fighting with your Dog
01:54:57 - We drop off some gear at our main base.
02:08:13 - Defending our base from a Mob.
02:15:20 - Invisible stump glitch.
02:16:25 - New Bear Safe Area (Storage area)
02:23:14 - Testing Tent / Sleeping Bag
02:31:39 - Research Facility Clear
02:51:29 - Camera Changes Part 7
02:57:26 - We get attacked during our Outro.
03:06:09 - Outro - Overall review: Please, Follow and Subscribe.

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