New remake of audio synopsis....

1 month ago

Created by Leon Sinclair, information by Christian21/sibley22

New Synopsis this is part 1 of 8
The information resonates with a grow amount of people daily, it's not polished big set up like so many truthers, nor does Leon and Christian21/sibley22 charge for fees to hear this information. But I have followed Christian21 for over 2 years now, and his information joins all the dots to questions I've been asking for years, without Christian21 giving this information nothing in this matrix would of made much sense, you find that truthers cash in and re-present Christian21 information in such away to fit their own narratives, cherry picking. And to hear these so called "truth" you subscribe.

Not with Christian21 or Leon.
mirrored from

Those who wish to learn be part of this awakening and resonate higher. You can find a family atmosphere. No bitchin, pure respect for each other, all on the same path to learn and to understand. Remember all your knowledge all your taught belief systems you’ve built up in your lifetime, from this world will be tested, be prepared for the full awakening.
This awakening is the "Revelations" the "apocalypse" that was unknown be known.

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