The protest against Destiny Church - “Jubilant Scenes”

1 day ago

“Jubilant Scenes”, the reporter declared at the violent protest! Yeah right! (see below)

Yesterday, a smallish crowd (approx 90% from the gay community) gathered in the city to protest against Destiny Church, calling for their charitable status to be taken away. This is on the heels of PM Luxon saying that “Brian Tamaki had gone too far this time” and Mayor Brown calling the young Maori protestors “thugs”. This was in regard to the recent “man up’s” protests at the “drag queens” reading to pre-schoolers at the public library and also the Haka holding up the gay parade!

Can I ask where the PMs and Mayor's outcry was at the Rosie Parker demonstration when the same gay protesters got out of control and many displayed violence? Rosie Parker feared for her life!

The reporter (as you hear in the clip below) calls the scene “Jubilant.“ Yeah right! Amazing the bias of the media! Nobody wants or should want to see violence at protests or anywhere, for that matter!

“Jubilant - Don’t you just love the blatantly biased reporting in our nation? And what about the left/woke/liberal politicians? How come they did not call for the stripping of taxpayers funding for “rainbow youth” or the stripping of council funding for the “gay parade” or the public funding of “drag queens” reading to preschoolers in public libraries like they are calling for Destiny to be “punished.”

Don’t they think that these protestors “went too far” or their behaviour was not thuggish - pouring liquid over a guest speaker in our country? Whether you agree with her or not, this is unacceptable behaviour - certainly not “jubilant!“ Where was the public petition about that?

Come on, Mr Luxon and Mr Brown, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Or are you just plain hypocrites like the media?

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