(2/2) "Zorra" [HAARP weather manipulations destroyed]

1 day ago

[✓] this is very real EXTREME RARE information (as real information is under 1% on internet virtual reality or non exist) officials lie lie lie.

"The Army makes it perfectly clear that it intends to seize private property in southeastern Colorado. They don’t “need” the land for training purposes – that is a pretext. They have sufficient mega military training bases in Iraq (along with the world’s biggest and most expensive embassy), also on plundered land. The power of eminent domain is an oft-used seizure tactic; there are others. On February 4, 2008, Not 1 More Acre!, advocates for the beleaguered citizens of southeastern Colorado, said: “The Pentagon and its military contractors are continuing to push plans to more than triple the size of the Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site in southeastern Colorado – in contravention of a law passed by Congress which forbids them to do so.”

Remember, the Pentagon and the Department of Defense, since 1947, are under the jurisdiction of the king’s cabinet. Congressional leaders, frequently indebted to campaign contributors and deep-pocketed lobbyists, go through the legislative motions and pass laws they can’t or won’t enforce. Many sincere officials are out-numbered by the compliant power-loving majority, who long ago abdicated their sworn responsibilities – just like those who handed America’s financial resources to the Federal Reserve private bankers – the internationalist bankers who currently manage the president, his cabinet, elections and the monopoly media’s talking heads.

Despite sounding conspiratorial, it is a fact that the U.S. has the capability of manipulating “the climate for military use.” They have applied those “modification techniques” for “more than half a century” covertly maneuvering “weather patterns, communications and electric power systems as a weapon of global warfare, enabling the U.S. to disrupt and dominate entire regions” – against “enemy countries, friendly nations” or even, dare I say, the U.S. to “destabilize economies, ecosystems and agriculture.”

According to a top-secret congressional hearing held March 20, 1974, the military used weather modification in Vietnam and by 1977 was spending $2.8 million a year on weather-modification research; the same year that the United Nations banned the “hostile use of all environmental modification techniques.” Allegedly, the U.S. discontinued all weather-modification research in 1979."

"SHARULA DUX [Lemurian Princess]: Atlantis, Lemurian, Inner Earth, Telos, Hollow Earth"

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