“Keep your tongue from evil" - An interview with John O'Looney

8 hours ago

John O’Looney, is a UK funeral director from Milton Keynes, England.

John has 18 years experience as a funeral director, and he owns his own funeral home.

John has spoken out about what he saw in his funeral home during the Covid outbreak of 2020 in the UK and what he saw once the novel Covid vaccines were introduced into the UK population in January 2021.

This interview was recorded live as part of a Good Knights presentation in Sydney.

In this episode we discuss the following;

- John was asked what changes he noticed with the deceased at his funeral home in early 2021, after the Covid vaccine was rolled out in the UK.

John described the white fibrous structure , that look like calamari, that was found in the arteries and veins of the deceased during the embalming process.

- John showed us vials of the white fibrous clots from recent deceased persons.

- He tells us about a young, fit, 30 year old man, that died suddenly early on during the rollout of the vaccines, and was looked after at his funeral home. They found half a kilo of these white fibrous clots in his body.

- His embalmer confirmed he has never seen anything like these white clots in 25 years of embalming. John had never seen them before, and this has also been found by embalmers in the USA and Canada, and confirmed as novel, and occurring post vaccine rollout.

- When John reported this case to the local Coroner via email, he got no reply, even though that coroner had done the post mortem on that 30 year old man.

Later he was told by an office girl “Not to worry, it grew post mortem”.

- He describes the embalming process.

- We asked what the white fibrous clots are made of, and John reads out some recent findings from a paper.

- He has noted an increase in the number of young people deceased coming to his funeral home. It used to be rare that they died, accident, overdose, suicide.

- In 2020, many deceased were declared as dying from Covid when it was clear that was not the case. He gave the example of one deceased person who had a tyre mark on him and had been run over. Yet designated as Covid.

- The process in the UK has changed, wrto when a coroner is called. Normally a sudden unexplained death requires that a coroner is called, but now they are not called, and John is being called to homes where there is a sudden death in people with no comorbidities.

- Has there been an increase in baby deaths. John tells us that the process in the UK has changed, and the hospitals now deal directly with the crematorium, i.e. the funeral directors no longer see the babies. He recommended we google “Wesley funeral director baby deaths”. See link in references below.

- We discuss the Major Tom Havilland surveys that were run in the USA, and the alarming results that showed how common the white fibrous clots are. What happened when Major Havilland attempted to distribute his survey via the British Institute of Embalmers?

- In the UK what percentage of the deceased are cremated and what percentage are buried. It is now 9 to 1, cremated to buried. John explains why.

- We review some of the findings of the Scottish covid inquiry from March 2024, which included blanket DNRs, (do not resuscitate orders) in UK care homes, ordered by the then Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman. What could DNR mean in terms of the care that person would receive.

- John tells us he has been threatened since he began speaking out about Covid and the Vaccine injuries and deaths, but also attempts have been made to silence him in other ways.

Websites referenced in the Interview;

- Wesley, baby deaths.


- Major Tom Havilland Interview with Dr John Campbell.


Mirrored - RefugeOfSinners

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