😂⚠️ Funny Bernie Meme & Vid Update ⚠️😂

16 days ago

Newest video coming out next Sun As the video is taking longer to edit due to content within, editing softwatre issues i'm still trying to work around+getting a temp phone while waiting to get parts to fix my old one.

Dealing w/ T-Mobile to get+setup a temp phone while having a phone with all interview clips/needing for deliveries being broken threw off the routine too so we had a later start this week than we'd prefer. (T-Mobile/phone stores are tedious time wise & draining). 🤣

Fixed that issue though as I have a business phone now for content specifically & as a backup if I need it for doing deliveries or future in general. The video will be WELL worth the wait, I promise!😤👊🔥💪☯️🤟

⬇️ Aforementioned Meme ⬇️:

Funny Meme For You About A Senator Named Bernie Who SOLD His SOUL To Those He Vivorously Fought Against In 2016 during his presidential run! He's Another Corrupt Cronie Now! 😉😂

#fyp #zeldanarutofan1 #znconspiracyfacts #berniesanders #berniesandersmemes #maha #bigpharma

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