While Baltimore Students Can't Read, MD Dems Focus On What REALLY Matters: Condom Vending Machines

9 hours ago

Posted • February 23, 2025: What is wrong with Democrats? No, seriously. What in the world makes them think that putting condom vending machines in elementary schools is a) necessary and b) appropriate? This writer cannot come up with any reason for this, yet Democrats in Maryland are going all-in on grammar school birth control. INSANE. Maryland Democrats are pushing HB380 which would allow vending machines with condoms to be available at your child's kindergarten, nursery school, or elementary school. This is messed up. I had to check to see if this is real https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GkZnj2EbUAAdnN9?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 —— It's real. In California they are putting tampons in 3rd grade boys bathrooms. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GkUTTknWoAAEXyV?format=jpg&name=large —— Gwen Walz says this helps students learn to read. But think about this -- third-grade boys, who are eight or nine years old, do not need them. They are boys and -- even if there's a 'trans' student there -- will not have a period at that age. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - While Baltimore Students Can't Read, Maryland Dems Focus on What REALLY Matters: Condom Vending Machines

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