Admiral William Guy Carr EXPOSes the international Satanic conspiracy

5 days ago

Throughout this 1958 speech he warns about the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN & JEWS and quotes from the bible as well. This speech was in Chicago about a year before he died in 1959.
His message stands the test of time and is relevant for us today. Commander Carr, the famous author of "Red Fog over America" and "Pawns in the Game" gives a comprehensive political and philosophical overview of the Illuminati-International Banker conspiracy to undermine all nations and create a one world government.

Libertarian99 NOTES:
Illuminati select the world leaders. Children of well bred families educated as "ONE WORLDER'S". Keep secret their plans and keep dividing the people into different CAMPS (Divide & Conquer technique). 2 opposing camps fight and destroy each other. They wait for all GOVERNMENTS & RELIGIONS to be destroyed. Then they will make known the LIGHT and TRUE GOD of LUCIFER.

@9:30 Albert Pikes 3 World Wars 1871 letter with Wars & revolutions until only 2 powers in the world remained.

@10:33 The Old Testament (Similar to Jewish Torah) in the bible is nothing less than the history of that conspiracy of the Luciferians of preventing the Human Race from establishing Gods plan

@10:54 Christ told us WHO and WHERE is creating this CONSPIRACY and said it is THEY of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. They are SONS of the DEVIL, Lucifer. The TRUTH is not in them. They call themselves JEWS but are not Jews. The Devils whole plan is to be CUNNING. They will tell a deliberate LIE as long as it drives their Luciferian conspiracy to its final goal. Albert Pike built a 13-room house in Little Rock Arkansas in 1840 where he worked to PERFECT the military BLUEPRINT of WARS & REVOLUTIONS that would bring Adam Weishopt's (1776) plan to its final stage to create INTERNATIONAL ATHIESTIC COMMUNISM.

People built up by FALSE PROPAGANDA as national heroes approved to be part of this Luciferian conspiracy. Since 1801 there hasn't been a PM in England or Canada or even a President in the USA who wasn't under the control of the illuminati. This Luciferian document (The Order of the Illuminati) was found after a carrier was struck down by lightning. Bavarian Government published the details of this international plot in 1786. Bavarian Government then closed these Grand Lodges (Freemasons).

People are being DECEIVED by the DOUBLE TALK of these Luciferians who talk about GOD (Their GOD Lucifer). Thomas Jefferson transferred the foil plot from Europe to America. They infiltrated Masonic Lodges in the United States (A secret society WITHIN a secret society). Masons higher than a 33rd degree know about this Luciferian agenda. In 1798 Harvard University warned Graduates that illuminism influenced RELIGION & POLITICS. In 1776 it was decided that the Russian empire would be destroyed and turned into the stronghold of this Atheistic Communism. This is all provable historical facts.

@30:25 The 3 World Wars planned by Albert Pike & Mazzini. WW1 used to overthrow the Tsar of Russian and turn Russian into this Atheistic Communism (Jewish Bolsheviks 1917). In 1887 it was decided that POLITICAL ZIONISM was to be organized by Theodor Herzl and then used for 2 PURPOSES 1) Create the STATE of ISRAEL 2) To enable the Illuminati to create WW3 using the difference between the Israelis & Arabs. In 1916, International bankers met in Stockholm Sweden to decide the final details of the Bolshevik Revolution/takeover of Russia and invited Industrialists Henry Ford. The Average Communist doesn't know that it is planned that he also will be destroyed in the final days of the conspiracy.

William Guy Carr gave the Canadian Government a copy of the 1871 Alberta Pike Letter to Mazzini and they split the Canadian communist party in half in 1957.

Vladimir Lenin was initiated into the ORDER OF SECT of the illuminati in Switzerland. English & US intelligence knew all about this as they wrote about this little meeting in Stockholm Sweden with the international bankers. Lenin was given safe passage to Russia with 38 top level revolutionaries (Jewish Bolshevik Revolution).

Canada's longest reigning Prime Minister William Lyon McKenzie King was educated & trained by the illuminati and his father had been a revolutionary leader in Canada (A brilliant cold blooded professional politician) and became Minister of Labour in 1907 and was doing the work of the international conspirators back then. He freed Leon Trotsky from Halifax to continue on his way to the Stockholm meeting in 1916.

@40:20 Says 98% of those men in the Bolshevik Russian takeover were JEWS. All those who willingly helped the Illuminati Bolsheviks were all later LIQUIDATED/MURDERED as that is what happens to those who serve them in the end. When Lenin died in 1924 all the Soviet Union leaders were illuminati team members.

WW2 was fomented to eliminate the German empire and reduce the British power so it was no longer the world power and the Political ZIONIST party would be given a sovereign state in Palestine. Starting WW2 when the time was right for them. English PM Chamberlain agreed to not hitting any German places except for MILITARY TARGETS and that was not good enough for the International Luciferian Bankers so they got rid of him and replaced him with Winston Churchill (Another guy promoted as a HERO who was anything but).

After WW2 they had the NUREMBERG TRIALS where they could LEGALLY MURDER the top Germans. After WW2 the UNITED NATIONS was formed as one step closer to their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. William Carr says he has been working intelligence since 1912 and never took the OATH so he can speak about all of this.

@59:35 William Carr bring up Canadian Health Minister Brock Chism who became a United Nations member and soon after became the first World Health Organization director in 1948. I posted this about Brock Chisholm a month ago:
The First WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Director General (1948-1953) George Brock Chisholm

@1:01:07 All the rest will be CLASSIFIED as "GOYIM" but does not mean GENTILE but it means "HUMAN CATTLE". This PLAY ON WORDS confuses everybody. The whole diabolical plan relies on the agents of the illuminati.

Weishop & Albert Pike had both said that those brilliant minded internationally bankers that were determined to enslave the LESSER beings. The Illuminati hide in Sanctuary countries like Switzerland being NEUTAL where they are protected as the finance both sides of a war.

@1:06:43 Germany could have won WW2 as they had stockpiled NERVE GAS for years and 2 years before WW2 ended they could have wiped out Europe & America if they had wanted to. All this nonsense of the fear of Atomic Bombs is to get the masses into a state of FEAR. These men who have the wealth & the power in their hands are not going to destroy BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of DOLLARS of property.

@1:11:55 The rich who own the brewery interests of Canada like the Bronfman's. It is the Jews & the Zionists and they control the Canadian Government just like another group controls yours (USA).

1:29:02 In the original writings of the Order & Sect of the Illuminati, there are 9 paragraphs how to deal with FREEMASONRY & the other SECRET SOCIETIES are to be WIPED OUT after the Illuminati have been established & their leader (Jewish) KING DESPOT of the world. They don't play any FAVOURS. The only thing these Dark entities fear is the TRUTH.

Admiral William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game" 1958 speech EXPOSING the whole Satanic conspiracy to enslave the whole world (65 years ago!!)

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