Making Of Miracle

8 days ago

The 1970's and early 1980's were similar in American culture as it is today.
Corruption in the White House was exposed. The Deep State was being revealed with "Deep Throat". Islamic Arab Nations threatening America and a weak President Carter on foreign policy. America was being embarrassed on the world stage.

I don't believe the deep state saw coach Herb Brooks coming. Herb was a masterful genius on psychology in motivation and placing talent in the proper positions.

Team USA Men's Ice Hockey team could not have come along at a better time to reignite patriotism in America by defeating the Russian team 45 years ago yesterday, February 22, 1980.

You won't hear much about it from the MSM in America today. I encourage you to watch it if you have never seen it before. There is so much to learn from Herb Brooks!

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