VD 2-2 Dr. LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D. Host and Commentator YAVAPAI SPEAKS Mayors Forum.

14 days ago

Host and Commentator
Prescott eNEWS.
Feb 20th 2025 Dr. Lyle Rapacki Hosted the "Mayors Forum" In Prescott, Arizona.
Full throttle film productions. Important topics and discussions. 7 Mayors and 2 City Managers. their names are at the end of the videos. Check them out !!
George Nemeh.
Video by MAAP Real.
Broadcast recording also by MAAP Real this is 1-2, two full episodes 55 + 45 minutes each episode. MAAP Real was invited to record this wonder full event called "Mayors Forum" For Prescott eNews.
February the 23rd, 2025
On Thursday, February the 20th, 2025, a special presentation was made by seven mayors and one city manager from across Arizona. In the audience was an additional mayor just elected to office and very interested but did not think she had enough information to help make a presentation. Three other mayors had to pass at the last minute due to immediate issues in their cities. For the first time anyone could remember, mayors came together to share a growing and significant economic and personnel problem in their communities.
I was privileged to MC this unique gathering of Chief Executive Officers and post the session on my program YAVAPAI SPEAKS found at Prescott eNEWS. The link below will take you to the two-part special. Over 50 cities are experiencing the problems in various degrees as you will learn. The information given is most concerning, and it is affecting not only mayors and their councils, but parents, children, workers with a need to address the issues now and not later. Any individual considering seeking a state-wide office in Arizona needs to listen to this program and communicate they are available to these mayors for discussion and to begin addressing the problem now at hand and growing!
Thank these mayors for coming forward and sharing a most controversial issue without concern about being politically correct.
Most sincerely,
Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Host and Commentator
Prescott eNEWS.

Recorded by Productions by MAAP Real Talk Show.
7 cameras action spontaneous action unrehearsed by our great crew....
Crew on the scene were:
George Nemeh
Eric Williamson
Candice Maytubby
Tony Peters.

MAAP Real Talk Show + George B. Nemeh + Prescott eNews Copyrights 2025
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Check to: MAAP Real Talk Show.
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10115 E. Bell Rd Ste 107-494
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