Patriot Punkcast #86 - Blackburn BALKS on Budget Cuts; DEI DIES w/ Josiah Baker

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Libertarian GALA & Convention with Dr. Peter McCullough on March 1-2 in Chattanooga. Link here:

TN Senator Marsha Blackburn was one of over 70 members of the US Senate that voted against Senator Rand Paul's Fiscal Responsibility cuts, and Tennessee Voters are PISSED.

Though we rarely speak kindly of the US Department of Education, this week we will make an exception. The department sent TN Schools a letter telling them to get rid of their DEI practices. What does this mean? Well, they "need further guidance."

Plus, are we living in the twilight zone? Both Rapid Response 47 & and TN Holler shared the same clip, but both posted it as a win for their side? Have we reached the point in time where political idealogues are watching 1 movie on 2 different screens?

Updates on Sumner County Election Administrator Lori Atchley and her criminal case, as well as a little insight on a new bill that would allow county commisisons to remove appointed members of certain boards.

Joining us tonight is Josiah Baker.
Josiah Baker is Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Tennessee, national board member of the Mises Caucus, chairman of TN Taking Action, and endorsed replacement for recent Chairwoman Angela McArdle of the National Libertarian Party. He is an Orthodox Christian, and works in tandem with his fiancée Samantha McHugh to exhaust every opportunity to advance “net liberty”. He considers himself to, at the best of his abilities, be Rothbardian/Hoppean in principle and Ron Paul in spirit.

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TAGS: Marsha Blackburn, Rand Paul, Fiscal Responsibility Amendment, Budget Cuts, Rand Paul Budget Amendment, Republicans Vote, Republican Politics, Libertarian Party of Tennessee, LPTN, Libertarian Politics, Libertarian Convention, Peter McCullough, Senator Blackburn, TN Senator, US Senate, Senator Paul, Tennessee Libertarians, DEI in Schools, DEI Policies, Race Based Politics, Williamson County, Sumner County, Chattanooga, Tennessee, TN Politics, News, TN News, Josiah Baker, Mises Caucus, TN Holler, Patriot Punk Podcast, Patriot Punkcast, Patriot Punk, Patriot Punk Network, Podcasts, Punkcast, Election Integrity, Roberts Rules of Order, TN Laws, TN Conservative, Punk, Lori Atchley, Joanna Daniels, Libertarian Chairman, Libertarian Gala, Libertarian Convention, Trending News

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