Part 2. The Israelite journey from slavery to the Promised Land! Does this apply to Christians?

2 days ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick
Sunday, February 23, 2025 Numbers Ch 33. Part 2. The Israelite journey from slavery to the Promised Land! Does this apply to Christians?
Pastor Rick KabrickPO BOX 595 Tiverton RI
This is a map of the more likely place of the crossing of the red sea. Actually, at the Gulf of Aqaba. Although there is much debate on the location. Not just the location of the crossing, but of Mt. Sinai.
This section of text lists a total of 42 stations or campsites or lets just call them locations, that he Israelites were at during their 40 total yeas of wandering in that area prior to going into the Promised land. At some of those locations, certain events happened that are recorded for us. At others nothing regarding what happened there is told to us by Moses. Were those places just lost opportunities?
The light we need to view this text in is how we too are walking with the LORD, we too are on a journey. And there are many roads, many locations many stops along the way. But that journey will end in Heaven with HIM. That is our Promised land. Although we do get a glimpse of that Promised land this side of Heaven.
That is why the LORD wanted these things to be written down! It isn’t just a lesson in history, although it certainly is. Everything written for us in the Word of GOD is of use to us as we journey with the LORD.2TIM 3:16-17, All Scripture is GOD-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of GOD may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
The Israelites realized, after they left the land of Egypt, the Pharaoh is still in pursuit? Likewise once we become believers and followers of Yeshua, Satan is still in pursuit. His goal of keeping you from believing has failed, so his remaining goal is to keep you feckless.
This place symbolizes divine provision and abundance, a stark contrast with the harsh conditions of the surrounding wilderness. New believers will after coming out of the wilderness (sin) see the contrast in their new life as followers of Yeshua. Often those first months, years are exciting and new as they learn and grow. Hopefully it stays that way.
The Israelites still complained that they had better food in Egypt. The LORD GOD promised to “rain bread from heaven for them, everyday.” Manna. The Israelites tried to hoard the manna that GOD provided. They did so even when told not to (EXO 16). They were then told not to collect the manna on the Sabbath. GOD has given us all that we need, the difference between want and need, lust creeps in through desire.
At this point in their journey the Israelites were between the wilderness of Sin and the wilderness of Sinai. They had expected to find rest and water here, the name Rephidim means a place of rest. However, the streams were dry. This is when Moses was told to strike the Rock.

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